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        I'm sweating and squealing as I think of how to write this chapter AHHHH!

       Glory sat on her throne bored out of her mind. For the past 2 hours all she was doing was listening to stupid, unimportant problems from the Rainwings.
    It was just problem........
After problem......
     After problem.................
  It was driving her insane and it took a lot of strength for her not to scream and tell everyone off. Luckily, there were only 4 dragons left.
Finally the last one! She thought. She about to let a smile come across her face until she saw who entered the door.
Oh. Macaw. She thought with an internal scream.
I give full credit to LaurenABlack  for the character macaw. He always has perverted intentions towards Joy but this time I'm using it towards glory.

Deathbringer growled when he saw that dragon walk in. He hated him. Whenever Macaw talked to glory or looked at her, he always had a suggestive tone. It just screamed PERVERT ALERT! Glory was his and only his. Even if he hadn't said those three special words to her, he knew it by heart.
Deathbringer got up and stood in a battle position with an intimidating scowl on his face.
"Hello my Queen." Greeted Macaw. "Hello Macaw what do you need?" Asked Glory calmly. "Oh soo many things." Said Macaw with a lewd smirk on his face.
You have no idea how bad Deathbringer wanted to claw off that stupid face of that stupid dragon and protect Glory from those completely unnecessary comments and looks.

Glory raised a brow and simply said. "If you don't have anything important to say, you are more than welcome to leave my friend." Macaw simply smiled and said, "Oh but I do have something important to say Glory-" He was cut of by the Queen who wanted to shove him out the window. "You! Do not have the privilege to call me by my name you hear? I am your queen and you will address me that way only." She Said commandingly. Her beautiful emerald green eyes were threatening to turn Into a glare, but she kept her composure.
"Yes your majesty, I just came to ask you out on a date if you will." Brightened Macaw. Glory paused for a moment. She turned towards her bodyguard and found him with a murderous look on his face. Glory turned back to the grinning rainwing and spoke in a tone that clearly said her answer and had a hint of disgust and irritation. "Macaw, I don't know what you think the meaning of me being your queen only means to you, but I shall definitely NOT be going on a date with you I'm sorry." She wasn't sorry and she felt no pity, but she wasn't gonna say it. "Perhaps I need to persuade you." Said Macaw before he strolled out the door.

   Deathbringer scoffed. He knew Glory would never fall for anything he did but still, he couldn't help the image and the thought of the love of his life going on a date with that waste of space. It made shivers go down his spine. He dozed off for a moment, thinking about it and hating every fantasy of the two that just made him wanna barf. It wasn't until Glory Literally smacked him across his snout that he came back to reality.

       "Hello? Are you alive? Earth to Deathbringer?!" She yelled. "W-What?" He Asked confused. "It's Suntime for me are you coming or you gonna sleep here instead?" She spoke sarcastically. He just smirked and said, "Well of course I'm coming, who wouldn't want to come with the most beautiful dragon in the world?" Glory blushed but managed to stamp it out. "Ya know what? You can stay here instead." She took off flying but her bodyguard followed her anyway.

       As soon as they got there Deathbringer wished he had stayed instead. The ground of where Glory sleeps was covered in roses and of course, morning Glory flowers. There were just vases and bouquets of lavender, blue, and pink morning glory flowers in all the shades that Glory loved. "Did you do this or did Macaw?" She Asked. ".......No........" He Said in angry tone.

    Deathbringer made Glory sleep in her hut instead with the windows open so she would get her sun. "What's wrong with sleeping here?" Deathbringer growled in response, "I do like these flowers." She commented. That made Deathbringer want to scream and murder Macaw. SHE CANNOT LOVE THIS?! MACAW DID THIS!!Does she actually- CMON!! He yelled in his thoughts. Glory must have seen him as angry as he was in the inside because the next thing she said was, "Come along then let's go!" She ran out and flew to her hut with Deathbringer right behind her.

      As Glory opened the door, she saw 1000000 flowers there, all roses. There were white boxes with all of Glory's favorite fruits, Guava, Papaya, mangoes. Cooked toucan and fish lay on the table. The rainwing/nightwing Queen was too shocked to respond, all she did was walk around in awe. Deathbringer on the other talon, was about to roar in rage. It didn't help that Glory smelled the flowers and took a small bite of a guava. Deathbringer was about to storm out before Glory stopped him.

     "What's wrong?"
        "Nothing Glory, I just need some air."
      "You Don't want to-" She started before a very riled up and triggered Nightwing grabbed her wrists and looked her in the eye and asked, "You don't like this right?" He looked desperate when he asked her that question. "I mean, these are my favorite foods, fruits and flowers but-" She trailed off as she noticed the look of disbelief just plastered all over his face. She smirked. "Ohohoooooo myyyyyy mooons!" She Said.
"YOUR JEALOUS!" She yelled. Deathbringer froze, he- no. He couldn't be jealous could he?He couldn't jealous that the dragon he had been crushing on for over a year, liked the things his rival gave her right? " ridiculous!" He proclaimed "Is it?" She Asked with confidence. Glory grabbed one of those cursed flowers and put it right in his face. Deathbringer immidatley ripped it to pieces just to be received by Glory bursting out laughing. "Awwww, iz dah big bad assasin jelly of Macaw?" She teased. "Ok fine I might be, but it's because I can't bear the thought of someone stealing the dragoness that I love with all my heart." He confessed. Glory blushed furiously and stared at her talons, and just kept getting redder and redder as Deathbringer went on.
      "Your the love of my life Glory, and even if I hadn't said it yet, I feel and believe that your the light in my life. I don't want him or anyone else to steal that away from me, because your the most beautiful, sarcastic, smart dragon in this world. I love you Glory, so much more than words can express, I love you so much, from the bottom of my heart." Glory looked like a skywing by the time he was done. She calmed them to a royal purple with blue and lunged at him, jumping in his arms for a hug. "You don't have to worry, because there will only be one dragon in the world that can steal and dominate my heart, that's you my love." She Said as she snuggled into him, breathing in his masculine scent.
    Her words were like magic that had sent his heart flying out of his chest to the other side of the room. He wrapped his wings around her, placing a talon on her back that brought her closer to him and one on her waist. He pulled one away to lift her chin up to look into his sliver eyes. He kissed her cheek and looked at her lips and then at her beautiful emerald eyes that he found himself getting lost in for permission.
       Glory slightly nodded her head and that's when he leaned in. Pressing his ebony lips into her lavender ones. The first kiss was short the next one was filled with love, passion and lust. Glory kissed her lover with everything she had as did he. They pulled away for breath panting slightly. The rainwing leaned in his neck breathing in his scent and relaxing. Her talons on his shoulder and arm while his were on her waist and back, as his night-Star wings wrapped around her like a warm blanket.
      They stayed like that for a long moment, never wanting to let go.
BOOM! First chapter. Now by the time I post this I'll probably already have another 3 done. I've written this chapter the day that I made my latest announcement on Shooting Stars, titled Listen up........   I continued it the day after and finished it. As I said once this is up all requests that you may have for other chapters can be submitted here. I'm not only gonna do Glorybringer, I might do some MOONBLI here too. So if you have any suggestions that you would like, put them in the comments of this chapter only. Or else I can't get to yours. I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did writing it

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