Chapter 39

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Amy's pov

I stared nervously at the door. Eveything was going in slow motion. I saw everyone else was biting there lip nervous to find the answer to who was at the door. I turned my head back around there was still some hope left in my jar.

'I have a note for jake' the nurse said handing jake an envelope. We all stared at the mysterious wrapped message. Jakes shaky hand grabbed hold of it and looked at the nurse then back at the envelope. I felt to scared to breath all of us did

Jakes pov

I felt sick. I didn't want to open the envople. I saw how scared Amy was tears streaming down her face I turned it over with my shaky hands. There was some writing

'Dont show anyone' that made me feel even more sick. I looked up at everyone. They looked like zombies. They were a mess but looked to scared to care. We were all in a hysterical state. Amy had to be the worst and poor milly was just there not knowing a thing. I opend the envelope

'I-I-It says n-n-not to s-s-show anyone' I whisperd out stuttering

The other nodded. Amy let out a hysterical scream and burrid her face in her pillow. I could hear muffled crying. I pulled out some paper. I shut my eyes and started to make the note up in my head how he was fine and sent a note to scars us as a part of some sick joke. But I couldn't shut out the truth forever. I slowly opend my eyes and read

'Dear jake

You've known Amy the longest and I see you make her feel safe and happy, and well I don't believe I can make it, I'm sorry but each minuet I feel my life slowly draining out of me, just take the promis I face to Amy from me and use it. Be Millys dad. I know. But please. I'll be watching from heaven. So if anything happens just promis me you'll take care of Amy, please and milly. Let her grow up and have a happy life, beat up the bullies, scare the boyfriends and protect her....and Amy.......bye......


I shut my eyes and let my tears stain the paper. I couldn't breath I needed air. I stood up and ran out. The boys just gasped and went to go aid Amy who was clearly drowning in her own tears. I passed were Luke was and ran inside.

'Luke' I cried my tears making my vision blurry

'Sir please...' The nurse began

'No., Luke what do you mean my this note' I screamed clearing my eyes to see Luke looking really skinny and weak and just awful. I gasped

'Jake' he managed to breath out

'Luke' I whisperd

'I have cancer' Luke whisperd. A tear dropping from his face

'No, no, no' I said walking backwards out if the door. I felt really light headed then eveything went black

Nurses pov

'Luke, are you sure you don't want to say goodbyes in person' I said to Luke. He was in a really bad state. He had been badly beaten and had cancer. It was sickening. He couldn't move and it was getting really bad. I knew his wife and brothers were in a really bad state worrying. But this image shouldn't be their last of him.



'Ness I don't know how to tell you this' James said grabbing hold of my hand

'Luke, he has done bad things and well the devil had his sole, he had been used by the devil, only the devil can sort him out, I'm sorry ness' he whisperd

'So Amy will never be with him again, neither will his daughter' I whisperd tears begging to steam down my face.

'Well if his daughter get chosen by the devil, but theirs very unlikely' James said

'James, my son will grow up with out his mother, and now a inasent new born child is going to grow up with out even seeing her father' I whisper screamed

'Look, I don't make the rules, luke is one of the shattered ones that needs to be token to a better place. Only problem is he has no better place he grew to love pain and death so that's where he's going, it makes him happy' James said

'He will be with no family' I screamed

'No his father went to hell awsell' James said


'He deserves it' James snapped grabbing my wrists


'Amy Luke's granddad amused Luke's dad, hence were Luke's dad got it from. Okay Luke's dad is getting beaten now, Luke's done bad things so he does' James said befor walking away

'Ness I can't do anything about it okay, stop screaming at me when I have no power, I mean that like telling me to change the colour of the sky, I can't do it, same with Luke I can't deside when he dies or if he goes above or below, okay and bye, I'm not staying if your going to yell abuse at me' and with that he stormed out leaving me on the floor screaming and kicking the floor. I hated this. I hated seeing my loved ones hurt. Luke wasn't dead yet but who knows when it happens

Luke's pov

Weak. Weaker, weakest, gone...............

'Hello Luke brooks' a jolly voice said to me in a dark room

'Hello' I said confused

'Welcome to hell, now befor you conferm your death I need to ask you a few.....'

'I'm dead, no send me back to earth' I whimperd

'Did you let your victims free' the voice snapped at me

'What?, no but it was a Demond' I yelled

'Insided voices Luke please and well Luke they made there mark, like you made your mark'

'No I refuse to die' I screamed

'Your father is waiting' I was then shuved into a red room surrounded by fire

'Hello you little cunt' I herd the disbicable voice of my father. I felt weak. My father was my weakness. It was like Amy and jasper. It eats me alive. I felt tears falling down my face

'Shut to fuck up you fucking cry baby' he sneerd walking closer. I started to walk backwards until I felt insanely painful pain his my back. I had walked into the fire. I screamed in pain and instant reflect was to jump into my father. I herd a evil grin and shut my eyes waiting for the ever lasting pain start. It wasn't as bad as losing my Amy and milly. I let the tears flow. What was the point. I couldn't fight or hide. I had to put up with what I did to people. I guess it hurts a lot more when you lose those who are your world.................

Owens pov

'Baby be stronge for mummy' mummy said to me. I nodded my head as I knew daddy and people don't like it when I talk to her. Everyone around me was crying. And screaming. I didn't know what was going on so I just joined in with what they were doing. I was also scared as why were the all sad. I snuggled up to my daddy who was shaking and desided to sleep. Like the little baby. Hopefully eve one else would they looked like they needed sleep. And a hug

Authors pov

It might not be 100 chapters. I'm sorry for cutting off Luke (or is he really cut off! Omg I feel so bad. If was ment to be Luke was at the door but I wrote all this. I dunno. But yeah hope you liked it. :D ohh I can taste apple juice and its weird. Non the less bye x

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