Chapter 18- hostiple

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Luke's pov

I wondered around the hostiple for a while until I found Peter. He was stood looking out of the window. I walked closer to him

'You know Luke, me and my sister always wanted to run wild around abandond buildings' he chuckled

'I wish we never got departed' he signed

'Luke when you saw Amy getting hurt did you like it' he asked still not facing me

'Yeah' I whispers

'Mde you mad, of you lost her you would die' he said.

'Yes' I whispered

'Bye Luke' he said before jumping out of the window. I instantly ran to the window. I saw his mangled body lying on the ground. Blood around him. I felt terrible. I knew knew what it was like to lose someone you loved. At leaste he is with his sister. Then I remembered I needed to see Amy I sprinted out of the building to only find out jai had token the van. I had no money on me and it would take hours to walk. I was desperate and felt energetic after Peter died. I began to ram faster than I ever had before.

Jais pov

Amy was tooken away as soon as we had arrived. I was just sat there in the waiting room on my phone. I had been waiting for about 2 hours when a hot sweaty Luke came running in. He stopped at the door to catch his breath. I ran over to him and helped him to his seat

'Where-is-Amy?' He asked though breaths

'They took her away' I said.

Just then a nurse came out

'Jai brooks' she called. Me and Luke stood up and followed the nurse. She took us into a office room

'Okay so I need to ask a few questions about Amy' she said.

Luke pov

Oh shit. I couldn't tell the woman I did it. The tattoos oh god

'Okay so I need her birthday, address and that so here's a form' she smiled handing over. A sheet. I didn't attualy know this stuff about her. Medical history wtf

'Sorry I don't know these I'm her friend and we just met' I said

'Okay. Also we need to ask why she is in her state and why she has a weird tattoo and missing body parts and hardly any blood left' she wasn't smiling anymore. She was large old woman so it made her look really scary

'A man named Peter took her and torcherd her in a building and he then committed suiside' I told her

'Do the police know about this'

'Yes' I lied. Me and jai then left and waited in the waiting rooms. I rested my hand on the chair next to me. I then fell asleep.

I was awoken jai tapping my shoulder. Infront of me was a really old nurse who put her hand on my knee. Jai looked worried so I started to panic

'Im ever soo sorry Luke but Amy didn't make it' she gave a sympathetic smile and left. I was soo shocked to speech so I just stayed frozen

'Luke, Luke, Luke' jais voice repeated as he shook my shoulder.

I opens my eyes

'Dude you okay you were making a weird noise and figerting and the doctor wants use' jai said. I sat up. Few it was just a dream. I stood up and me and jai walked over the the doctor and followed him though corridor after corridor up and down stairs until we reached a room. The doctor opend a door and let use in. He then left. In the comer was a bed with Amy lied on. She had a bleepy machine next to her and loads of weird tubes and medical things attached to her. She was asleep. There was a chair Either side of her. I sat on the side closest to the window and jai sat neer all the machines. I held her hand

Unwanted creature of the night (Luke brooks fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ