Chapter 8- bring on the PAIN

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Amy pov

I must have cried my self to sleep cos the next thing I knew my head was getting bashed against the wall.

'WAKE UP' Luke was screaming. I opend my eyes. The pain in my head was awful. I felt a bruse forming. Like saw I was awake so he stopped but the pain in my head kept on I rubbed my head but it hurt when I touched it so I decided to ignor it, which is difficult when it feels like your constantly getting batterd with a bat. I prompted by self against the wall.

'Get up' he demanded so I stood up, I was shakey like a new born girraff, my head was bounding, vision slowly blury. I felt faint like I was gonna vomit. He grabbed my arm and started to pull me into another room, I didn't want to fight back cos he is capable of a lot.

'I like you, you don't fight back' he chuckled. He dragged me into one the 3 doors that were on the wall. The room was filled with curtains. Like at hostiples when then seconds off beds. I guess the room is big since it looked like a maze of curtain sections. He dragged me to the nearest section. He whipped the curtains open. Inside was a leather chair and a like station like one at a tattoo parla. He dragged me to the chair.

'Sit' he said. So I did. To be honest I was freaking out. I wanted to scream and run but it was like I was undersome spell. Luke took a seat next to the bench on a stool. He put on some gloves.

'Lay back' he demanded so I did. He bukeld my arms, waist and legs down. The strap was really tight and were rubbing like crazy. He grabbed one of thos tattoo pens and put it to my skin. I have had one tattoo of a star on my ankle but it hurt, yes I'm bad with pain and it made my too scared. I could hear buzzing and I shut my eye. The needle hit my skin and I felt the bitter sting Blair thou by body (I dunno what a tatto feels like sorry, my mum had loads of tattoos and she got a new one so that's how I got this idea so sorry if I get the info wronge). I bit my lip trying to overtake the pain. After what seemed like forever I herd the buzzing noise go off. My arm and leg really hurt. I opend my eyes. Luke had a bit on blood smugged on his arm but that was it. He unstraped me. I saw I had burn marks. I saw what Luke had done. Alone my arm it said

'Amy Clark no. 35' and on my leg to said

'Property of Luke Brooks' I felt like some sort of prisoner. I was human not a animal. My leg was stinging really bad and so was my arm. I didn't think Luke is a professional cos there was quiet a bit of blood. Luke wrapped it in cling film

'Like it' he laughed

'Thunk mine are better' he then started to peel off his gloves. I then noticed he has a few tattoos. I sat up and stared at him. I have to admit that he was kinda fit but he was a phyco.

'Why do I need this If I'm going to die anyway its gonna rot away' I said it came out more stuck up then I thought it would. Luke darned his eyes at me then his lips went into a slight smile

'Do you really want to know' his voice was deeper than normal. I shook my head in a 'no' motion

'Suit yourself' he then carried on sorting the equipment away.

I bet if I just sat down with this guy maby he isn't this monster.

'Now, pass me your arm' he said, befor letting me deside if I should hand over my arm he grabbed it. He got out a small pocket knife and slit it and collected a sample of blood and disappeared. I grabbed my wrist and sqweeded it. It stung like hell and he actually cut quiet deep. After 5 minuets Luke came back. His eyes were kinda dark


He had a massive knife I'm his hand. I felt by heart speed up I felt faint. He walked closer and grabbed my arm. The pinned my hand down. I couldn't move it I began screaming

'LUKE PLEASE NO DON'T STOP' but he ignored me. He lent the knife onto my index finger (no idea what finger that is but never mind) I shut my eyes as a knew I was in for a gory surprise. I felt nothing but agonising pain that was unbearable. I thought I was going to pass out. I felt a warm liquid drop onto my leg and spread around my hand. I began to breath really deeply befor full on screaming. I felt light headed and soon passed out.

I awake to being sat up against the cold wall. My leg and arm were still stinging a bit but the main pain was in my hand. I then remembered the tattoo and knife. I looked down to see my hand badly wrapped in a bandage with blood stains covering it. I herd foot steps come closer and there was Luke

' can't let my little princess starve can I' he said in a childish voice. To be honest I was hungry enough to eat a field of horses but knowing like or would be gross. In front of me was a rusty tray. On top was a red, pinky looking smush In a cup and some leaves and carrots on a plate. To he honest it smelt gross and I wanted to vomit but i was starving. The leaves and carrot were nice. Luke was watching me eat. To was time for the mush. I insisted I was full but Luke held a knife to my stomach to I began to drink. The taste was worse then a dead body smell and belive me that's nasty. I was gagging and shaking but like made me carrie on. When I had manage to get the vile subsence down my thought look took the stay away whilst I stayed and had a vomit attack. Luke returned with a huge grin on his face

'You just eat your blended cut off finger' he then had a evil laughing fit whiles I vomited up everything I had ever eaten in my life.

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