Chapter Three; The Polite Chicken {Day Two}

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"What do you mean we're here forever? Like hell are we staying here! Its not even like we're legally binded to this place anyway, we don't have job contracts!" Skippy retorts as she throws her hands up angrily in the air which receives a dark chuckle from Scott.

"You're here now. You have been working the night shift and now you can work the day shift. Whether you want to or not, I don't personally care. You are on my property and will therefore do as I say." Scott growls before changing his expression quickly to an eerie smile, "Now then, let's get you all some uniforms. We can't have you working here in... those clothes."

"It's not like you can talk anyway, who told you that top hats were back in fashion?" I reply as I cross my arms before my chest. I soon regret saying that as Scott comes close up to my face, his eyes were furrowed and angry. "Do not talk to your manager like that or do you want to end up like those missing people?"

"How did you--" "Who doesn't know? This place was in the media spotlight for over five months! The speculation was fascinating so I just had to take over this place while it was all going on! Personally I didn't like the animatronics at first, too sore on the eyes so I remade them. They're more polished and, if I may say so myself, menacing looking."

"If you think that a blue ventriloquist bunny is menacing then you have to get your eyes tested. Oh that and the fox, seriously I thought it was meant to be a guy? It looks so feminine it hurts." Dragon complains rolling her eyes at the thought of the animatronics, "At least the last ones looked creepy!"

"Shut up now and get your uniforms, I have no time to waste on you stupid children. You obviously don't know style when you see it." Scott scowls as he walks away, murmuring the last part to himself as he walks down the halls away from us.

"What's up with him? Guess he didn't like my animatronic remarks?" Dragon scoffs, "Anyway I suppose we have to get those uniforms and get changed into them for the day shift? But... where the hell would we get them? He never said that before he stomped off in a diva fit."

"I don't know but I suppose we have to find them ourselves. Come on I think it's best if we don't keep this guy waiting any longer than we have to." Sophie sighs as she walks out of the stage room, soon followed by the rest of us. We wander the halls for a while, keeping an eye out in case one of the animatronics hadn't powered down and was still out on the loose but we were lucky in that department, there wasn't any. We come across a room labelled 'Changing Rooms' and Olivia pushes the door open to reveal a dark room with silhouettes of what I assumed to be clothes hung up on pegs. I flip the switch on and after a few flickers of the light struggling to turn on, it finally illuminates the room and my assumptions were correct. Six uniforms were hung up in a straight line on the clothes pegs in front of us, each one had a name tag with each of our names on them. I found that rather eerie but ignore it as I take mine off the peg.

"Well, I'll see you guys at work."

"I really hate this uniform." Olivia complains as she tugs at the sleeves of her green and black uniform, "Whose bright idea was this anyway? Who puts green and black together?"

"I trust that you all are enjoying your uniforms, yes?" Scott's voice interrupts us making Olivia jump and turn around, "Of course! Haha I love it."

"Hmm. Anyway your job today is just to look after the animatronics, make sure they don't malfunction and help the kids if they need anything as well. Everyone has already been given their jobs so I trust that you can fulfil today's tasks. Also I picked the uniforms."

I snicker as Scott walks away and Olivia quickly shoots me a stern look which silences me, "It's not funny. Why couldn't he pick something better? How about band merch, that wouldn't hurt."

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