1: Past and Present

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Hello! This is the frst chapter for my newest book: Magic! 

Enjoy and please leave me any comments! (Except mean one's) 

3rd Person POV: 


No, racing. 

A black horse breaks through the dark trees of a Medieval London forest. Here we meet our first character. A few loose strands of fiery red hair escape the dark-hooded figure. Her black stallion moves like a bullet through the trees. 

Branches break behind the pair as they reach a clearing. The horse circles once and the rider jumps off, a bow and quiver thrown over her shoulder. She speaks a rushed series of foreign words as the horse seems to nod and runs into the thicket.  

The culprit of the breaking branches barges into the clearing, the members quickly surrounding the girl. She grabs an arrow and holds the bow towards the ground, not wanting to show violence, but protecting herself just in case. 

"Put your hands up and you won't be harmed!" The leader of the group calls from atop his mighty steed. The girl briefly shakes her head. She won't surrender. 

"Let me go and you won't get hurt." she says calmly, keeping her face turned towards the ground. 

She can't risk them seeing her face. the leader makes a gesture to his troops. They all draw their weapons and take aim at the girl. Her head raises in the slightest and she gives a devilish smirk. 

The troops all draw their arrows and load their guns, ready to fire. The girl raises the bow in one hand, the other in the air. One soldier makes a move to grab the bow, but she is lightning quick. She switches the bow from her right hand to her left, grabs an arrow and fires it into the soldiers arm all within a second. 

The soldier screams in agony and drops his gun, making it fire, hitting another soldier in the foot. He screams and it all goes haywire. The soldiers all aim at the girl, but she fires arrow after arrow, never missing a target. Within minutes, all the soldiers are down and the girl stands in a defensive stance, ready for the leader, the last one standing, to attack. 

The leader laughs venomously and smirks at the girl. 

"Well, you really are a very powerful little girl. Too bad you let that hood down." He says, turning back the way he came. The girl gasps quietly and her eyes go wide. the leader of the troops takes off on his horse towards the town. The girl can't catch him without her horse, but he's too far away. 

The girl raises her hands, now glowing a slight green color. She lets the color build for a few seconds, then throws her hands forward. The light shoots through the air faster than any bullet. The light hits the man and he is knocked out of the saddle of his horse. 

The horse takes off, scared by the light. the man jumps up from the ground quickly and draws his sword. He scans the forest around him and a few seconds tick by. There's  a rustle in the bushes and the leader snaps his head towards it and advances on the bush. 

"Ha. I've got you now." he says queitly. The leaves of the bush rustle again, but this time, a growl follows. A huge, green-tinged wolf jumps from the bush. It jumps short, so the leader has time to impale it with his sword. But the minute he does, the wolf disintegrates. He stares in awe at it. 

"Turn around slowly and your death will look like an accident." The girl says darkly, arrow pointed at the man's heart. He turns around slowly, hands in the air. He smirks at her. 

"You wouldn't kill me. Your a girl." He says smugly. She smirks back. 

"Really? Did you not see me take down twenty of your best men? That's not chivarly. That's defense. This is also defense. So I bid you farewell, good sir. Hell welcomes you with open arms." She says sassily, releasing the arrow. 

The girl gives a sharp whistle. A few seconds later, her trusty steed appears, she mounts him, and they take off, into the forest. 

Into darkness. 


Hello! I hope you liked the first chapter, it was a flashback. Kind of.... Anyway, I had fun writing that, because I liked her sassiness. I can't tell you who SHE is, but you'll find out soon. 

Please comment, vote and favorite! Love you guys!!!~Embior2 

P.S. The pic on the side is the forest and the girl.\

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