12: Shopping and Silent Screech's

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Niomi's POV: 

 When  Hazel and I get to the mall, I can't help but inwardly groan. I don't hate shopping, but I don't like it either. Hazel drags me to one store, looking frilly and expensive, for clothes that look like they'd barely cover my body. 

I shake my head at almost everything she pulls out, trying on a few select things, but not finding anything I really like. Hazel must be tired of this store, because she pulls me out of it and on to the next. 

The next few hours will be my last, I swear. 


~ 3 hours Later~ 

After going to what feels like a hundred stores, we have finally stopped. We ate a quick lunch in between a few stores, but I'm hungry again. We are about to head out when a small store catches my eye. 

There is a small shop, hidden around a corner, called Vintage Vanity. I see some cute, vintage clothes in the window, so I pull a protesting Hazel with me to look at things. 

I start to flip trough the racks of clothing, but I can't find anything I like. I usually like vintage clothing, but some of the things here are just a bit to...... old fashioned. I'm about to give up when something catches my eye. And it's perfect. 

There, on one of the mannequins, is the best dress I've ever seen. It looks old, but not too old. It's all black, with strapped sleeves, the bodice being ruffled. I almost run over to it, searching for the size. I pick at the tag, hoping and praying that it's my size. 

And it is!!! 

I take the dress off the mannequin and rush over to one of the small dressing stalls. I come out, the dress fitting perfectly. It must be fate. Hazel stands in attention when I exit the dressing room. She takes one look at me and gives a small squeal. 

"It looks perfect! This guys gonna drop dead from your gorgeousness!" She exclaims. I smile, twirling around a few times, seeing the skirt flow around me. I absolutely love it! 


 After we leave the shop, dress bag in hand, we decide to go to Starbucks, seeing as it's cold and blustery outside. We get inside and Hazel orders our coffee's. I get a venti peppermint mocha, as it's in season. She gets a venti salted caramel. 

After she sits down, I stand up, telling her that I'll be right back. I need to pee. I rush to the small bathroom, get inside, and lock my stall. 

After I've finished, I open my stall door and step out into the small open space where the sinks are. I turn the water on, then happen to look up, into the mirror. That's when I notice something is amiss.  

One of the stall's occupied, but the door is still cracked. And there are men's shoes touching the floor. I turn my eyes back down, but not before reaching one hand into my handbag. I won't let him get the jump on me. I pull the small dagger from my purse, the one my grandmother gave me when I was all but walking. 

I un-sheath it in my purse, then casually set my purse down. I keep my hands in front of me, keeping the dagger from sight. I hear a slight creak form the stall door, but keep my body turned forward. I peak from the corner of my eye at the mirror, seeing the man stepping out of the stall. He has no weapon, well, none that I can see.

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. Time to strike. I turn faster than lightning, catching the man off guard. I do a kick sweep, knocking him off his feet, but he recovers before he hits the floor. He stands at least 6'7. towering over me, but it's no problem. 

You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

He takes a slow swing at my head, me dodging it easily. I duck down, roll through his spread legs, and come up in a crouch behind him. I take the dagger and slice a quick, not too deep gash on the back of his calve.  He lets out a bellow, turns, and kicks out at me with his whole leg.

It hits me in the stomach, sending me flying at the back wall, furthest from the door. My back hits the wall, hard, and I can't see straight for a minute. My dagger flew out of my grip when he kicked me, but it's not impossible to get to it.

He charges at me, arms outstretched, ready to grab me. But really, come on. You think I'm gonna give up that easily? Never. I roll on my back, right before he hits me. He crashes into the wall, puncturing the dry wall.

I smirk and grab my dagger. I slice three clean cuts on his back and arms, all in a matter of seconds. He crys out, but I don't stop there. After he turns himself over, I take up a position with one knee digging into his chest, the other holding me on the ground, so if he rolls, I can roll the other way.

I let the dagger hover over his neck, waiting for him to move and cut himself. But he doesn't. He just smirks at me.

"You've got me now." He says simply, smiling darkly about it. 

"What do you want? Who do you work for?" I question, pressing the blade down harder on his throat. He lets out a dry laugh. 

"You really think I would get into this position and not have an escape? You really are stupid." He says through gritted teeth. I almost question him about this, but then I hear a crunch, and soon enough, his mouth is foaming up.

Chloroform. Of course.

He falls limp, and I pull my dagger away and step off him. I take one of the paper towels and clean the small amount of blood off the dagger. Waste of a sharpening. I sheath it in my purse, open the window in the bathroom, and push the heavy body out of it. I'm careful to leave my prints off him. I use towels to drag and pull him out.

I step out of the bathroom, almost run over to Hazel, and grab her hand, pulling her out of the building. Once we're outside, she stops me.

"What the heck?! What just happened?" she asks angrily. I sigh, pulling her into a deserted alley.

"Look, someone's after me again. I don't know who, but they just tried to end me." That's all I have to say before Hazel is pulling me down a different street, almost the opposite direction of my house.

I already know where we're going. Safe house. Some place where I'll be able to hide out, just so they don't find my house. We have been walking for a few minutes when she pulls me into a empty building.

Hazel opens a door, and we o up some stairs. We end up in a empty room. Hazel lets out a silent screech, throwing herself against the nearest wall. I join her on the floor, pressing my cheek to her shoulder.

"What are we gonna do?" she asks, on the verge of tears. I rub my hand on her arm.

"Hey, it'll be ok. We'll get through this. Don't worry. I'll set up a crew at the dinner and one at your house. I can handle anyone who comes my way. You'll be safe. I promise. And what happens when I promise?" I say, leaning my head down to her level.

She sniffs, but answers my question. "You deliver. But that's not what I'm crying about." She says.

I quirk an eyebrow.

"Well, why are you crying?" I ask softly.

"Well, I know who's after you. And why."


Dun dun dun!!!! Cliffhanger!!! 

Don't worry, a new update should be up in a couple days, as it's Christmas break and I have a week and a half off school! Sorry this update didn't happen sooner. I kind of procrastinated on it.  I'm sorry!!!!! Please forgive me!!! 

Please comment, vote and favorite!!! 

I love you all soooooooo much!! See you soon!!!~Embior2 

P.S. The pic on the side is her dress for her date. *wink, wink* ;)

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