Chapter One - Guy

Start from the beginning

He chuckles, "I've been thinking. Your the most talented kid I know. I believe you have a bright future ahead of you, you just need a push. So I talked to the recruiters at the Summit Institute and they said that they might be willing to give you a scholarship."

My eyes widen, "Seriously?" 

It's always been my dream to go to a school like that. This is the opportunity of a life time.

"Yes, however there is one condition."

I should have known there was a catch but I can't let it get in the way, "I'm up for it."

"They want you to write them some songs."

"Okay. How many?"


"That's an albums worth."

"Exactly. They want to have a good idea what your work is like before they accept you."

"How long do I have?"

"Until the end of term two."

I just sit there shocked. I doubt it'll be enough time.

Mr Smith seemingly reads my mind, "I know it's a small amount of time but I have faith in you. They need time to make their decision and if you get in you'll be starting next year."

"Okay. I've got this."

"That's the spirit. Now go have some lunch, I bet your starving."

"Thank you sir. See you in class tomorrow."

"See you kiddo."

I walk out of the class and head to the picnic tables. I notice James, Tessa and Amelia sitting at one so I make my way over and take a seat next to James.

"Sorry I'm late."

Amelia smiles, "All good."

"Where's Mason?"

"He broke up with me."



"Where's Lola then?"

"With her stupid boyfriend."


Tessa joins in on the conversation, "Chad. They've been dating for about a month. We thought it was just a summer fling but now she's claiming that they're in love."

"Wait. Chad from the rugby team?"


"But he's a jerk."

"Come on, don't act like you didn't go out with Lisa."

Lisa. She always seemed so sweet until we got together, then I saw her true colours. I get defensive, "She wasn't as bad as Chad. Besides it only lasted a week before I broke it off."

Amelia pipes up, "What about Julia?"

"Okay, I admit I dated her for a month but I never ditched you to hang out with her."

Amelia sees my frustration and apologises, "Sorry, we're just a bit stressed. We have a lot going on at the moment."

"Sounds like it."

"I don't know what went wrong, it's like ever since you left everything changed."

"Yeah but I'm here now and I'll fix this."

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

I sigh, "I... I don't know. But I think I have an idea where to start."

"I'm listening."

"You and Mason."

"What about us?"

"Have you ever thought about seeing other people?"


"Then maybe it's time you do."

"I'm sorry but I thought you were meant to be helping."

"I am. You and Mason are always breaking up then getting back together then breaking up again. Maybe you two just aren't right for each other."

Amelia looks annoyed for a second but then her face softens, "Maybe you're right."

"You should talk to him. He might think it's a good idea too. That way you two can get along again."

"Yeah, I'll talk to him. Thank you Guy."

"No problem."

Tessa looks over at me, "How do you plan on bringing Lola back?"

"That's the part I'm not sure of."

James gives me a half-smile, "I'm sure you'll figure something out, you always do."

I smile back, "Thanks, I needed to hear that."

In an attempt to comfort me he places his hand on top of mine and I feel a rush of electricity shoot up my spine. I feel the same feeling from before as well, the butterflies, and this time I can't brush it away. I like James. I really really like him.


I knock on the door of my house and wait impatiently for my brother to open the door. Finally the door opens to reveal Spencer in an apron and oven mitts.

I'm shocked, he never cooks anything except dinner, and it's 3:30, "What's going on?"

"Hello to you too."

"Sorry, I'm just really confused."

He chuckles and moves away from the door to let me in, "I thought I'd make you biscuits since it's the first day of school. Like Mum used to."

I flash Spencer a half-smile, "Thank you."

I miss that. Coming home from the first day to find Mum in the kitchen, making biscuits. I miss coming home to find Mum in general. She died in a car crash on my thirteenth birthday.

Spencer and I never knew our fathers. Neither of them were ready to have kids of their own. So they left. Spencer is the closest thing to a father figure I've ever had. He's been my guardian since mum passed away.

We used to live in Auckland. But after the accident it didn't feel right to stay there. We packed up and moved here to have a fresh start.

I look up to see Spencer bringing over the biscuits.

I take one and begin to eat it, "Thanks again."

"Your welcome."

Suddenly I get a call from Tessa.

I look over at Spencer, "Is it okay if I take this?"

"Yeah, sure."

I head upstairs to my room and press the answer button.


Tessa interrupts me, "It's James."

"What about him? Is he okay?"

"No, he's not. We were on the upstairs balcony at my house and he fell off. I saw him land on his arm, I think he broke it. I tried talking to him but he's unconscious."

"Shit. Did you call an ambulance?"

"Yeah, they said they'd arrive soon."

"Okay, I'll meet you at the hospital."

"See you there."

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