Prologue pt.2

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"Ah! P-please don't do t-this! I'm s-sorry!" Jungkook cried out.
He had started to feel airy due to the constant cell-numbing blows he had been getting for the world didn't how long.

The ash-colored thorny, ragged whip was cutting through his delicate skin, that was oozing out that 'cursed' crimson liquid from what his father likes to call it.

'There was no escape' his mind kept repeating it blankly. He would have been long dead, shattered if it weren't for a faint voice that kept him going. The voice of his heart, he liked to call it, was like his own healing tonic that washed away all the rueful scars his dewy-yet-painted-body had gotten from the day his mom left him.

And as he saw that monster raising that very satanic thing to beat the entire life out of him, he just closed shut his swollen lids hoping for a miracle to save him that he knew would never happen.

"YOU! You worthless piece of shit!! Do you realize what did you do just now?! You drove away from the potential investor just because 'you couldn't contain it anymore?'" He raged and aimed the whip at his already bruised back for another round of brutal lashes.

"What a useless slut! There's not a single thing that you've ever done right!" He bellowed. Jungkook kept silent and it wasn't like he could speak otherwise, to defend himself.

His father was right. He was useless. He couldn't even save his own mother. He had no right to live, for his will to live died a long time ago along with the people he loved so dearly.

After his mother's death, it had always been like that. Him waking up in the morning with swollen eyes and trembling lips, doing house chores and if they got any customers, then his entire day went off in 'pleasing' their customers.

Why was he doing it, you'd ask? Why did he not run away from this horrible place which he called his 'home' when he had the chance to? Why did he tolerate all this filth thrown towards him? Why did he not let his Tae help him when knew he all too well that it'd be a piece of cake for him?

The answer was himself! He had always considered himself to be the reason for his misery.

Had he done something that day to save her mother and not just sat there and stare into her lifeless eyes and cold body till it lost the last bit of blood and became soulless, had he spoken about it and shouted out to the world that his own father killed his mother and not kept his mouth shut just to save his father from rotting in jail for his entire life, had he not let his inner monsters get the best of him and let him do what he did...his mother would be alive today and they'd still have been a happy and warm family and he'd have been spared from this monstrosity of his father...

These were his thought about himself and his poor life. The very thoughts that had been haunting him for the past 12 years.

But he knew he deserved it, for he thought this was the right way to wash away his sins, he thought.

But today, why did it feel like this was not how it should be. Why...for the first time in 12 years, he got this weird tingly sensation like an inner voice?

He could hear it loud and clear no matter how much he tried to block it. It would always come back to him and would taunt him, as if it was mocking him, laughing at his state, but was still spewing shit that worth millions.

And at this point, it had become frustrating, that voice kept nagging at him for letting all this happen, for allowing people stomp all over him. It was as if something or s-someone, was desperately reaching out for him to take their hand and all that was required now was for him to take that hand but, was he ready for this?

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