Someone cleared up his throat, distracting Sadie from reading. She looks up scowling at the person who distracted her. Her face grew red from anger after seeing who it was.

"What the fuck do you want, Zabini?" She spat

"Well, I heard you and Draco had officially broken up." An evil smirk was plastered on his face as he sat beside Sadie who moved away from him.

"Not your business, do you mind? I'm doing something?" She hissed

"Want to do something more interesting? Draco wouldn't know." He whispers moving closer to Sadie

Her hands balled up in anger as Blaise moves closer to her. Without any hesitations, she slapped Blaise with the book in her hand, he flew back from the force looking at Sadie wide eyed.

"Haven't you learned your lesson?" She seethed

"I would never until I get what I want to get." He challenged

A smirk appeared in Sadie's lips, she could no longer take Blaise's cockiness. Her hand was shaking as she discreetly took her wand out.

"If you say so." She sweetly says. A smirk appeared in Blaise's lips trying to move another closer to Sadie

Without any word, she stunned him sending him off the sofa, which caught him off guard.


"This will be reported immediately to Snape and Dumbledore, I will make sure you get expelled and sent in Azkaban." She growled, anger flickering at her eyes.

Blaise stood up but before he could lounge at Sadie, another spell has been shot at him, which surprised Sadie.

"Get your filthy hands away from my girl, you filthy blood traitor." The cold voice of Draco spoke which made Sadie turn around.

Draco was there, a sneer plastered in his face. He was red in anger as his fist was balled up. He slowly walked to Blaise who was still recovering from the hex sent to him. Draco abruptly grabbed him from the collar punching him hard breaking Blaise's nose.

"You will never touch my girl again." Draco seethed venomously.

"You're no longer together Malfoy, You and I both know that. Let me enjoy your left over—"

Draco had punched him once again, sending him down on the ground which made Sadie gasp. Blaise was already unconscious from the impact. Draco sighed loudly turning away from Blaise looking at Sadie.

"Draco.." Draco took her in his arms hugging her protectively.

"It's okay, El. I'm here." He whispers in her ear kissing her head. "You're safe with me."

Before Sadie could utter a word, her eyes went wide seeing Blaise standing up, his wand pointed at Malfoy


"Petrificus Totallus!" She cried shoving Draco out of the way, freezing Blaise on the spot.

"He almost killed you!" She screamed a loud furiously going to Blaise's body stomping on his face.

"You fucking asshole!" She growled throwing a punch at Blaise's face

"What's with this commotion?" Snape enters the Common Room seeing his niece punching Blaise's immobilised body on the ground.

He grabs her by her collar throwing her away from Blaise, if it weren't for Draco, she would've stumbled in to the ground.

"Why have you been attacking Mr. Zabini again?" He asks

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