I found our babygirl- BTS

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Yoongi's PV

My daily routine is consisted of waking up to idiots in my apartment, yelling at them, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and getting dressed. Sometimes I eat breakfast at the apartment and sometimes I eat across the street at a cafe.

You see my idiots and I are all interested in having one girl as our own. We found some willing to be ours but not all of ours. Each day is someone new willing to be mine or one of the others, but they don't like more than two of us in our relationship.

Today is a new day to find our girl, and it seems like I might've found her. It just takes a little background check and we're all set. We're not normal my group, so you might say our techniques aren't the greatest.

Jin runs the cafe and he finds out her interests, normal right? Yes but not after that. Namjoon is a police officer and he can run her records. Creepy? Kinda. I do some basic following and I make sure she's available for us to take her. Hoseok is friendly and becomes her friend and then gets close enough to get inside her house. Taehyung is a plumber and Hoseok gives her a reason to go in her house to fix a "leak". Tae then explores the house and checks everything while Hoseok keeps her distracted. Jimin is a flirt and he lures her in with his looks and charms. Jungkook follows her to her designated hang out spot and "runs into her" and they become friends too.

If she checks out we ask her the question when she meets all of us finally. This girl checked out and today is the day. We all meet up at the cafe and Jin slips her his charms and free coffee. I do what I do and sit and watch her. If she's uncomfortable I say something to change the subject. Namjoon gives off his "I'm a police officer and I'll protect you if you need me too" speech. Jimin is a flirt as usual. Tae offers free little repairs and Jungkook acts all innocent to make her coo. Hoseok gives off his happy vibes and acts like he wants us to be nice and that he's protective over her.

"So?" Jin asks as he gives a small smile. All of our hearts beat fast as she moves uncomfortably after the question.

"Yn? You don't have to answ-" "I'll do it if I have some breaks in between." she says as she interrupts Namjoon. We all sigh out and we agree instantly.

Looks like she's in for a long ride..

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