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Savannah's POV

I looked back down the cliff. It was pretty steep. But maybe, just maybe, we could climb down it. Like those cliffhanging wait didn't they climb up the cliffs? 

"Hey guys! Maybe we could try climbing down the cliff and cross the river and climb up the other side?" I asked.

They all stared at me like a deer in the headlights. "You're kidding right?" Liam finally asked.

"No." I raised an eyebrow.

"And how do you plan on getting over there?"

"She's got a point..." Niall stated. Zayn nodded in agreement.

"What if we plumet to our deaths?" Louis asks.

"Way to think positive!" I exclaim. "C'mon! It's worth a try!"

Liam tilted his head to the side deep in thought. Harry and Louis agreed and finally Liam agreed.

I took another glance down.

"Who is going first?" When no one said anything Harry volunteered himself. He slowly lowered himself down to the cliff and tried to find some footing.

"Just follow my footing and you will be fine.." He whispered into my ear before climbing down.

My hands were shaking as I started down the cliff next. I've never really climbed high heights. Kimmy used to beg me to climb up those rock walls at fundraisers. I never had the courage to climb those things, but those are nothing compared to this! I took another step down almost loosing my footing and falling down. Just follow my footing and you will be fine.

I looked down. That was a huge mistake! My heart started to pound. I was so high up. I've never been this scared in my life. The scariest thing that happened to me was when Kimmy took me to this haunted house and a guy chased us with a saw, but that's nothing compared to this. Liam climbed down next to me.

"You'll be alright," Liam said. I guess he could see the fear on my face. He gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded and continued to climb down.

"Hey! I'm almost at the bottom!" Harry shouted. I looked down and my stomache dropped again at the sight of how far we were up. It was true. Harry was almost at the end. He only had a about fifteen feet left.

My hands started to sweat. I was panicking. I started to sing 'One Step At A Time' by Jordin Sparks in my head.


We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

By then Niall and Zayn made it to the bottom. Harry, Zayn, and Niall were standing on a huge rock that sat in the water. I started panicking again.

Suddenly I lost my grip and I fell. I closed my eyes and waited to feel the cool water hit me like cement. Only I felt nothing. I opened my eyes. I was dangling in mid-air. I looked up to see Liam. He had a tight grip on my arm. He adjusted himself on the cliff, so that he could pull me up with both of his arms. Then he pulled me up.

"Looks like I gained a bit of strength since the ship, yeah?" He asked, referring to when the ship sunk.

I giggled a bit remembering that situation on the ship when it was sinking. He rested his hand on my face and pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'd never let you get hurt." My eyes started to fill with tears. Why did he have to be so sweet?

"Hey love birds why don't we get going! We don't have all day down here!" Louis snapped at us from below. I blushed. When did he get down there? Once I got my footing again, I began to travel back down the cliff. Finally we all made it down the cliff. Niall sighed.

"We have to climb up another one?" Niall complained. We all groaned and crossed the river by jumping from rock to rock.

We all made it up the other cliff with no problem. I was relieved that Louis' parrot was still there.

"Can we rest for the night? Please!" Niall whined.

We all agreed. Zayn instantly fell asleep and Niall soon joined after him. After a good conversation with his parrot, Louis went to sleep also. After awhile I thought everyone was asleep. I couldn't sleep, so I walked over to the cliff and sat down with my feet hanging over the edge. I wish I never got stuck on this island.  A tear appeared on my cheek and I wiped it off. 

"Can't sleep?"The voice made me jump twenty feet in the air.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you!" He said. Harry sat down next to me.

I quickly wiped the tears off my face. "Were you crying?" He asked. Oh no! Think of something to say Savannah. Come on think! "No, a rock got into my eye," I said looking away.

"You're not a very good liar, you know that?" He chuckled. I looked down in failure. "Why were you crying?" He asked pulling me into his arms.

"W-Well I kinda j-just want to go home," I said stuttering. My heart was beating so fast. Why was it beating so fast?

"I think we all want to," Harry replied. "I'm sure we'll be home soon though, I promise!"I nodded and looked over at the boys who were sleeping peacefully.

"I'm sorry if this whole island thing is hard for you. I think you handled the situation very maturely," Harry said.

"Harry, we're the same age!" I bursted out laughing.

"I thought so," he laughed, "I just wanted to say that to feel all grown-up."

I laughed with him.

"But I really do think we all need to get off this island. It's doing weird things to our minds," Harry said calmly. I nodded in agreement.

My heart stopped. I blinked and looked into Harry's eyes and gave him a smile. I feel like he was trying to get at something but I didn't push it.

"I-I think I should go to sleep..." I faked yawned and walked over and laid down next to Louis and closed my eyes.

Maybe Harry was right....this island is doing weird things to our minds.


Hey amazingness!

I'm tearing up. There's only 5-6 chapters left in the book :(

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I think it's a nice and long one(:

- Jessica xoxo

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