"Alright, this is what we're going to do," Matteo announced, taking charge of the discussion. People may not call him the king of the rink anymore, but he apparently had an ease for leadership. "This is a decision that we gotta take as a group, so we're going to discuss it as a group and then we'll get back to you with our answer. Is that okay?"

Ramiro nodded solemnly, unwavering under the other's serious gaze.

"Okay. I'll be waiting for it." He turned to everyone. "Thank you."

Ámbar watched him leave in direction to the rink. Right at the same time, a very upset Nina seemed to be dashing away from there, but she didn't pay that much attention to that, more worried about Ramiro's situation. She was sure it must have taken a good deal of bravery to do what he did; apologize and ask for a second chance. God knew those were things Ámbar had always struggled with.

He had stood up for her the previous day and Ámbar felt a little bad that she hadn't tried to speak up for him now. But what could she have said? And it's not as if the others would've listened to her anyway.

What would a friend do in this case?

Because they were friends, Ámbar thought. Even if not close ones, Ámbar appreciated her friends... or at least, she wanted to be the kind of person who did. She remembered with pain how she used to mock Delfi and Jazmín, using them for her own goals more often than not. She glanced at them, both looking disappointed and wary as they discussed Ramiro's request with the others. It hadn't always been like that, they had had good moments, but in the last years everything had gone south...

Alone. Ámbar had been totally alone. Except for Simón. He had truly been her saving grace. She wondered if he even realized that.

Now Ramiro was probably all alone too. He was out of the Red Sharks and his previous friends were giving him the cold shoulder.

Company. That was what he could use right now.

Having reached her answer, Ámbar left her papers and pen on the table and stood, moving toward where the boy had gone.

She found him sitting on the bench in front of the locker's counter, his gaze focused on his hands as he fumbled with them.

She decided to go about it casually.

"So," she said to catch his attention. Ramiro raised his head at her on cue and she leaned her back against the skates' rack. "That was tense."

Ramiro stood up with his hands in the pockets of his pants and shrugged.

"Yeah but, I get it, it's not something they can decide just like that. I'm hopeful though, that they'll let me come back."

"They should, you did nothing wrong," she affirmed with an obvious tone.

Ramiro looked at her with a frown. "I betrayed my friends."

She left the rack and approached him. "You sought out a professional opportunity because you're truly passionate about skating. They will understand that, don't worry."

Ramiro didn't look as sure of that as she did, but he nodded slowly, trying to believe those words.

"Thank you," he said with a little smile. Ámbar offered a little smile of her own in return.

"What about you?"

She looked at him with confusion.

"Now that things are good with Simón, wouldn't you like to go back to the team too?"

Ámbar watched him for one second and then snorted. "Okay, Ramiro, you're comparing two completely different situations. They may be mad at you, but you were never their enemy, not really. Me, on the other hand... let's just say I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about them, and I'm sure they're only putting up with me because of Simón."

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