Chapter 7: In a Lonely Place

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'What makes a place feel like home? Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealized, make believe version of American Dream? Is it love and acceptance? Or is it simple safety? Or it's none of those things. And it's a place where the captain of the football team is murdered. Or maybe it's just a forgotten closet under a well-trod staircase, where it's just you and the mice and the spiders, like an extra in Wes Craven movie.'

The Andrews twins were going to school early, both for different reasons. Annabelle to see Jughead and Archie to run.

The first thing Annabelle did was going to the staircase to wait for Jughead to finish his shower.

"Jughead finally---" Annabelle said but saw Archie instead. "What are you doing here?"

"You knew?" Archie asked his sister. Annabelle shrugged in reply. "How long?"Archie asked Jughead.

"Well, since they shut down the drive-in. That's where I was living before." Jughead told Archie as Annabelle made grabby hands.

"Why the hell are you not living at home?"Archie asked Jughead as he grabbed his sisters hands pulling her up.

"The truth is, things aren't good at home. " Jughead told Archie as Annabelle walked over to him.

"With your dad?" Archie asked as Annabelle handed Jughead an apple.

"Yeah. He kind of fell off the wagon. After your dad fired him, to tell you the truth. Hasn't had a job since. He keeps promising that he's going to get his act together, but my mom couldn't take that rollercoaster anymore, so she grabbed Jellybean and went to live with our grandparents."Jughead told him as the school bell went off. "Come on."

"God Jug, why didn't you tell me? And where does your dad think you are?" Archie asked as Annabelle followed behind.

"He thinks I'm couch-surfing." Jughead tells him as Annabelle interrupts.

"And he wouldn't have to do that if he stayed with us."Anna said giving Jughead a pointed look.

"I agree. Screw that! Live with us." Archie tells him as Anna nods along with her brother.

"This is temporary, guys. I'm going to figure something out. Just don't tell anybody. Especially not Betty." Jughead tell the Archie already knowing that Anna would keep his secret.

"Betty?" Archie scoffed. "She not gonna care. If anyone's going to be a snob about it, maybe Veronica."

"Right, well, exactly. Don't tell her, either." Jughead says awkwardly as he walks away.

"You're not gonna thank me for the apple!" Annabelle yells as he walks away. "How rude."

At the Lodge house boxes were arriving for both Veronica and Dallas, for different reasons. Veronica to get revenge on her mother. Dallas to get stuff he needed.

"What all this?" Hermione asked as she saw Smithers and her son walking in with boxes.

"Some retail therapy to salve my emotional wounds, A few treasures from Smithers, be a love and put those in my room."Veronika tell smothers starting to fall behind him.

Dallas on the other hand put his boxes by the couch and watches the scene unfold. He sits down grabbing the bowl of candy on his table to watch.

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