The Prologue

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An Alpha is a paranormal detective and officer with special powers that serves to stop and vanquish the omegas, best known as the supernatural. Darkview is the setting.

Only sounds of a crying woman can be heard through the telephone. She speaks without knowing if she's being listened to.

"When I opened the door I saw her being rape, but there was no one there. Her body banging against the wall, with her hands pinned in mid air. She had no eyes and there was blood everywhere. You have to believe me. Everything I told you is true."

She takes a deep breath. In the absence of sound you can sense frustration and despair. The two ingredients of calculated torture. She tries to speak again, but fails. She tries a second time.

"Talk to me. They gave me your phone number because they said you were an expert. You think I'm lying. You think I'm just another fucking crazy girl with a ghost story, but I'm telling you, it happened. I saw what was not there and I felt it staring at me just for a second. Please, I just need you to believe me. I just need someone to believe me."

She starts crying. Second by second the crying intensifies. A minute passes and she slowly calms down. The crying stops. Everything is quiet. The voice of a young woman says:

"I believe you. Thank you for calling. My name is Charlize Winters and I'm your Alpha. I need you to-"

The victim screams through the phone.

"No, no! Help! Please, hel-" Her voice drags off into the distance. It erases its path without a trace of sound or evidence that she was once there, crying and begging for credibility. She's gone.

Charlize, a young black woman with long black braids and a white t-shirt sits  in a dark bedroom, in front of a mirror, with her phone near her right ear. Her mouth is slightly opened and her eyes are watered.

"It's back." She says with the sound of  fear.

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