Chapter 9 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ Hello lovelies!!! Let's get to it, shall we??

Recap: After I thought that, I got an intense pain my stomach. I double over in pain and groan loudly. 'I knew I spoke too soon'

Sebastian's POV:

'Time for a break' I sigh. I've been doing paperwork since five this morning. I glance at my watch and see it's around seven in the morning. 'And maybe some breakfast.'

I get up and speed walk out of my office and take the stairs two at a time. I make it to the kitchen and take my seat at the table. I grab a plate and pile it full of food.

After a few minutes of being by myself, pack members start to trickle in. They all say good morning or just bow in respect of my rank. Some just ignore me. I sigh.

Ever since I've been gone, my pack is kinda out of whack. Some turn their nose up at me and some just whisper about me. Don't see why with werewolf hearing and all. I'm getting a bad feeling here and I need to earn their trust again and respect back. I rub my hand down my face in exhaustion. A lot has been happening and I'm tired.

Chris and the twins enter not long after half of the table is filled. They take their seats, the twins across and Chris beside me, and immediately start to inhale their food.

I scowl in disgust at how they can act like pigs and not the wolves they are. Some time passes before they slow down and eat like normal human beings, well as normal as you can for a wolf. "Satisfied," I ask.

Isiaiah looks up and grins at me. "I'm a growing boy. I need all that nutrients and stuff or whatever," he tells me, amusement in his eyes. I shake my head at him and look away to the door where others are coming in. When I see that the person I was looking for hasn't entered, I look back at the guys. Chris has finally finished and is just watching the twins bicker with mirth in his hazel orbs.

I just shake my head at them again and prop my head up on my hand. Then I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck, making my hairs stand on end. I turn back around to see Aurora and my mate walk in.

They walk in this direction and Aurora immediately heads for her mate, Alexander, who I didn't even see enter the dining hall. I look at the empty seat next to me and the one next to Chris.

'She'll probably sit next to him. She doesn't remember me and she doesn't really like me all that much.' I think to myself sadly.

'She definitely won't like you with that attitude. Man up, or really wolf up and just talk to her' Bryan reprimands. I sigh and look back at the twins still arguing.

I feel rather than see someone sit next to me. I glance and see Lilith sitting there all casual-like and I can't hide my surprise.

She smiles at me, "Good morning Sebastian." I give her a smile back, hope filling me that maybe we can actually now start our relationship.

"Good morning kitten," I reply, the smile still on my face. We look in each other's eyes and her eyes widen as she starts to blush. She turns her head away, hiding behind her hair. While she's facing away from me, I take this time to study her features.

Her light blonde hair, almost white, flows down her back with some swept over her shoulder. From her cute little nose to her slightly chapped lips, she's beautiful. The best part though, is her eyes.

The light olive green that seems like it can see right through me, to my fears and desires. The green that looks like moss when she's thinking. The green that looks like emeralds, when she's angry. And the green that is now my favorite color because of how radiant they are.

I'm shaken out of my daze when Lilith suddenly doubles over, with a groan. I lean over and grip her shoulders. "Hey, what's wrong," I ask worriedly. She turns to look at me and I gasp.

Her eyes are turning red, which means that Desiree is out or that's she's hungry. For blood. I look to Chris and the twins and shout, "Someone get me one of the blood bags out of Doc's office. Hurry!!"

Justin runs off and I turn back to Lilith. "It's okay little mate, just hang on a little while longer," I console her. She looks up and gives me a small smile through her pain.

I hug her close and kiss the top of her head. Justin bursts back in the room with his arms overflowing with bags of red liquid. I hand one to Lilith and she immediately devours it; I hand her another one and get the same result.

We keep going until she finally slows down.

"Better," I ask. She nods with her head down. Now that's she's better my concern turns into frustration. "You need to take better care of yourself," I scold her. She looks at me with her green eyes and I can't stay cross with her for long.

"It's fine," I sigh. "Just do better in taking care of yourself, for my sake if not yours please," I tell her. I get up from my chair and start to walk back to my office to get more work done. I abruptly got pulled back by my hand, so I look behind me to see what it was.

Lilith stood there, blushing. She opens her mouth to talk but no words come out. I raise an eyebrow at her. "Yes," I question.

"How did you know that's what I needed," she asks, looking away from me. I smile at her, loving how shy she is.

"I talked to your family and Doc. They kinda filled me in on some things I should look out for. Like what eye color is what supernatural and what it means. I just wanted to be prepared. Sorry if that was out of line, you know talking about you, with you not knowing. And I'm kinda starting to ramble...I think I'll just stop talking now," I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Lilith giggled and I smile goofily. "It's ok, I guess. Just let me know next time. I might not have my memory, but I'm sure they could help," she motions to her head. I nod in agreement. I should have thought of that.

'Ask her on a date' Bryan yells. I wince with how loud he's being.

" was wondering know like um...we could just stay here....but like go out.....," I couldn't get it out, since she stopped me.

"I would love to," she grins. I blush and nod.

"Cool, how about Friday? It's Tuesday right now so we have time to prepare," I try to get her opinion. She nods and blushes as I stare at her. I blush too and scratch the back of my neck.

'Now I need to plan the perfect date' I think.

~This is the longest chapter yet I think lol. It's been like....I don't know how long since I published a chapter. And I got to say this one is the one I'm the proud of😁

So lovelies what has been going on?? What shaking?? What's crackalacking?? I need serious help😂😂 I don't know why I'm so hyper right now, but I ain't complaining.

So to the book, don't know when the next one will come in appearance but I'll try to give it some work this weekend.

School has started a week ago and college classes are kicking my ass🙄 I'm just ready to graduate.

I guess that's it I think. But all comments, ideas, suggestions, and song requests are welcome.

QOTC: I don't think I've asked this important question: What are y'alls names??😂😂

Song: Boyfriend- Ariana Grande ft. Social House

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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