Chapter 8 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ Sooo it's been a while lovelies. I'm just gonna start the chapter lol.

Recap: 'Good night Lilith' Sera says tiredly. 'Good night Sera' and with that I fall asleep with a small smile, with the comfort of knowing people are in my corner. 'Maybe this isn't so bad after all' I think before darkness takes over.

Lilith's POV:

I wake to the sun shining in my face. I groan and roll over on my stomach, stuffing my face under my pillow. Next thing I know, someone jumps on my back.

I grunt from the weight and hear barking. "Lexi, girl off," I mumble. She jumps off my back and off the bed. I sit up and glare at her playfully. "What did I tell you about waking me up like that," I scold. She cocks her head at me and bolts out of my room.

'Well then, just leave me like that' I think to myself. I get off the bed and go the bathroom to do my daily routine.

I walk back out the bathroom in a towel in search of what to wear today. "Well this is awkward," I hear. I scream and whip around. On the bed sits my mother. She's dressed in a pair of jeans and a green shirt, which I guess for a queen is pretty casual.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you," she laughs. I laugh along with her at my own stupidity.

"Oh no, it's okay. So not to be rude or anything but, why exactly are you in my room Aurora," not sure if she wants me to call her mom or something. A look of hurt flashes through her eyes, but it goes away quick before I can even comment on it.

"Well honey, I just came here to ask if you wanted to head down for breakfast with me," she tells me. My stomach grumbles at the thought of food and I nod with a blush dusting my cheeks. "Excellent! Well I'll let you get dressed and then we can go," she stands and walks out the room.

I let out a breath and pick out my undergarments and a pair of leggings with a blue tank top. I open the door and see Aurora standing beside it. "Shall we," I ask, being polite. She smiles and nods.

We walk through the halls in silence until she clears her throat. "So, how are you handling things," she questions. I glance at her from the corner of my eye and see her concerned look. I decide to open up to her.

"Things have been hectic. With my memories gone and getting to meet you all, my supposed family, it's been hard. Sebastian has been an immense help, though even he has me confused. He claims we are mates and I believe him and all, but I know nothing of this world. How am I supposed to be his mate when I barely know anything about my own self. These three in my head, they constantly argue with each other, which is another reason for a headache. Can we even get headaches? Is that normal for someone like us? Never mind I'm off track...I just wish things were easier," I finish my rant with a sigh.

Aurora looks at me and smiles sadly. "Well honey, I wish that for you too. But as you young kids say 'No pain, no gain.' But maybe you should talk to Sebastian, let him know what is going through your head. If he loves you, he'll understand," she advises. "Now as for those three, well I don't know who they really are, I just know Desiree. Can you tell me about them," she asks.

"Well like I said, there are three others in my mind. Two, Hazel and Desiree, appeared at first. Desiree is a vampire and Hazel is a witch. When Desi is in control my eyes turn red and when Hazel is my eyes turn purple. Hazel and Desi always argue but it's because Desi acts immature and Hazel tries to tame her. Then later on, Sera came along. Sera tries to break up the arguments but, that sometimes makes it worse. Anyway, she's a wolf, but I'm not sure if we can shift. When Sera is in control my eyes turn black, but she hasn't came forth," I finish my description.

Aurora puts her hand on my shoulder in comfort. "I'm sorry honey. They should be more considerate, but remember you are the master, not literally though. You are the one with control all the time and only you can allow them to come forward. So put your foot down and show them who's boss," she sternly says.

I nod silently but determinedly. " I will, thanks Aurora," I say.

"No problem honey, now let's go eat, I'm starving," she laughs. We walk in the kitchen to see everyone there, having a good time. I sit next to Sebastian and give his shocked face a shy smile.

"Good morning," I tell him. He gives me a dazzling smile that almost makes me lose my breath.

"Good morning kitten," he replies. His deep voice makes me swoon internally.

'I need me a piece of that hunka hunka' Desiree purrs in my head. I blush and look away from Sebastian. I glance at him to see him smiling at me still. My lips twitch upwards against my own will.

'Desi cool it down over there girl' I scold her. I'm extremely surprised Hazel hasn't said anything, but I say nothing.

'Maybe things are really looking up'

After I thought that, I got an intense pain my stomach. I double over in pain and groan loudly. 'I knew I spoke too soon'

~Hey lovelies!!!! I got the motivation to finish this chapter, so you're welcome. I know this is bound to have some grammatical errors because I wrote most of this late at night. But a chapter is a chapter. Plus it's unedited. I'll review it later. But I have decided to plan what I'm gonna do before I continue, because I usually write whatever pops in my head at the moment. So there's that.

Ummm....summer break is almost over. I go back to school in August so yay!!! I'll be a senior finally!! Time flies I swear it does. That's the question of the chapter btw, not sure if I asked that before.

Anyway all ideas, comments, suggestions and song requests are welcome. See you later lovelies!!!

QOTC: What grade are you in??

Song: 11 Minutes- YUNGBLUD ft. Halsey

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