Behind Blue Eyes Cahpter 4

Start from the beginning

When I finally got to their long driveway, I heard something in the woods. Cautiously I entered the woods a bit. I looked around, then finally spotted something speeding towards me. I saw a glance of Jaspers’ face. I screamed, and ran back to the road. Something cold grabbed me around the waist at the fringe of the trees. I was jerked back and the breath was knocked out of me. I looked up at Jaspers’ wild expression. I was panicking internally. This was what my dream was! He promised he wouldn’t hurt me after I told him!

“Jasper! Stop!” I yelled at him sobbing. Hearing his name seemed to jerk him into reality. He let go of me and I stumbled back. He reached for me and I flinched and ran back again.

“Oh god, what have I done!” he wailed. I ran for the road, still terrified. I made it to the house in just a minute, running hard and trying to get air into my lungs. I jerked the door open and ran for water. Rosalie looked up in surprise.

“You look like crap. What happened?” she said dully.

“Your brother attacked me. That’s what happened.” I told her spitefully. She gasped and ran out to find him. I ran upstairs and collapsed on my bed crying.

Alice ran in and plopped down onto my bed, hugging me close.

“It’s going to be okay,” she told me. “What happened, Noelle?” She asked softly.

“Jas… Jasper was… in the woods…and he… he attacked me!” I managed to get out through my sobs. Alice looked shocked.

“Oh my god!” she whispered, and the next time I looked up she was gone. I bet she went to go find Jasper.

After I had exhausted myself with my sobbing, I fell into a restless sleep, filled with nightmares and the Cullens. I woke up several times, trembling and afraid. The only dream I could remember was the reoccurring one of Jasper, blurred with speed, running towards me. I woke up a final time with a slight scream, hurriedly dressed and went down stairs.

Esme and Carlisle were talking quietly in the kitchen. As I walked past them, they fell silent and Esme reached out for my arm.

“Don’t touch me” I told her and flinched away. “I don’t know how… but your all like Jasper.” I accused, still trembling I ran towards the door. I darted out side and speed walked down the driveway. Keeping my head down, I concentrated on where I was going. I walked faster; feeling watched and hunched my shoulders. I cowered when I saw Rosalie and Alice pulling Jasper back home. I stayed on the other side of the driveway, as far away as I could.

Even after I was past them, the unease didn’t leave. I didn’t know what it was like to be stalked, but I’m sure it felt like this. After a while of walking on the road I saw a sigh for the La Push Indian Reservation.

I decided I might as well go there. It seemed that the Cullens would not go there because their skin is so pale while the Natives skin would be dark. I saw a glimpse of russet in the woods, shrieked and walked even faster. A gigantic wolf came out of the woods a few feet in front of me.

I screamed and ran back towards the road but more wolves were already behind me. I panicked when I saw them circling me and gasped in pain when I felt a shocking pain in my scars. I fell to my knees gasping for air. They wolves stopped their approach and looked at each other. There was too much intelligence in their eyes. They almost seemed to be talking to each other. A couple of muscled, half-naked teens came running down the road. At the sight of them the wolves backed off a bit. I scrambled to my feet and hid behind the two teens. They both seemed to be at least 6 feet tall and unafraid of the beasts. The taller, older looking boy started to talk to them in a harsh, demanding voice, asking what they thought they were doing and to talk to him later. I stared at the boy in confusion. The shorter, younger boy turned to me.

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