Behind Blue Eyes Cahpter 4

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“Hey squirt!” he said cheerfully.

“I told Emmett not to call me squirt, do I have to tell you also?” I was grumpier because of his good mood. I wanted to go for my daily jog but I was stuck here!

“Jeez, calm down. I was trying to get your mood less sour.” He told me.

“Well, it didn’t work!” I retorted. I felt a wave of calm and looked at him suspiciously.

“Why do you keep doing that?” I asked him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He responded to quickly.

“Sure ya don’t…” He stalked out of the room. I tried to relax and sleep.

I dreamt that Jasper was running through the dense forest, an animalistic expression on his face, blindingly fast he pounced on something as growls erupted from his throat. I jerked awake with a small scream and one of my monitors started beeping loudly. A nurse swept into the room, concern written all over her face.

“Are you okay hun?” she asked in a southern accent that reminded me of home.

“Yeah. Fine. I had a bad dream that’s all.” When the nurse left, Jasper came into the room. I flinched and hoped he didn’t notice.

“What was that for?” He asked, talking about the flinch. I was terrified of him, and yet he comforted me. He also had a slight southern drawl.

“Nothing. I had a bad dream and you were in it.” His expression calmed.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly. He took a step closer and I flinched again.

“No…” I stuttered.

“I won’t hurt you.” He said, still talking softly.

“I know you won’t hurt me, but I'm still scared.” I looked down and I felt a cold hand pull my chin back up. Jasper was standing right in front of me. I cowered and he held my eyes with his. I’m sure my fright showed.

“Will you tell me?” He asked in his southern drawl.

“I dreamt that you were running through the woods. You were so fast, faster than any person. You pounced on something. You were growling and snarling when you pounced. Then I woke up. I was terrified. Somehow it felt like you were after me. But there is no reason for you to go after me, is there?” I was scared of what he would say so I looked down again. He pulled my chin up again. His eyes were vulnerable.

“I have no reason to go after you Noelle, “ he said gently, “I wont hurt you at all. I promise.” He seemed to be convincing himself more than me. But I was comforted by his words.

“Get back to sleep.” He told me. I was asleep before he left the room.

When I woke up again, Carlisle was there.

“Ready for your tests?” he asked, all calm. I groaned

“What kind of tests?” I was reluctant to have tests done.

“Just a few blood samples and then we will be done.” I thought the whole needle thing over.


He tied one of those rubber band things to my arm and stuck a needle into my elbow. I glanced away while he filled the little tubes with blood. When I felt a little gauze ball being taped to my arm I asked if I could leave yet.

“Yeah, I guess you can now. My shift is almost over if you want a ride.” He allowed.

“I’d rather jog. I need excersise. Gotta keep in shape like the other doctor told me.” I hopped up and found my scuffed sneakers on the floor. Carlisle seemed to be thinking over my running home. He seemed okay with it.

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