Author's Note

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Hey, I'm sorry I've been so inactive as far as updating stories. This is from a variety of factors; getting ready for college, still unpacking, taking care of my neighbors animals while they're away, helping my grandparents with general chores, getting all my legal documentation in order, and just a lack of motivation to top it all off... I'm not giving up on the oneshots, but I will ask not to get anymore requests until further notice. I'm going to finish the three I've got now, being Hidden World- part two, The Gift-part two, and the Fell into Hell-part two. I'll get them out, the first two pretty quickly, but the last one will take a pretty long while, if I can manage to get around to it. I'm sorry, I wish I could finish them all quickly and in a timely manner, but I can't do that without stressing myself out and losing time on other things that need to be done. Rest assured, I'll keep writing on both this and my other story, but it may be a while. Sorry, and thank you for understanding. (Picture up-top is mine)

Enjoy Your Stay~! (Hazbin Hotel x Reader Onshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz