Alastor x Reader (The Gift)

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He didn't know quite what to think when he saw the box beneath the tree with his name on it.

Shocking as it might seem, some of Hell's residents did still celebrate Christmas, and the princess of Hell being the person she was, highly encouraged the residents of the hotel to partake in it together this year. Sickeningly colorful decorations were strung up, candles were lit, etc... People were a bit hesitant at first, but eventually eased into the spirit and began the process of finding gifts for everyone else.

Alastor would not be getting any, not did he intend to give any. At least... this is what he assumed would be the case. He might have been striking up the facade of 'helping' the hotel grow in popularity, but it wasn't as though he was hiding his true nature to anyone. He knew the residents of the hotel all hated him as much as everyone else in the nine circles did.

So why, and more importantly, who put that green and red striped box beneath the tree and wrote his name on it? This had to be some sort of mistake. He stood there for maybe two whole minutes before picking up the box and beginning to inspect it closely. He turned his head to glance around and make absolute certain no one was watching...

...before he brought it up to his ear and shook it slightly to try and guess what was inside, much in the same way a child would.

"Has anyone seen the Christmas wreath?" Charlie's voice jostled him out of his inspection, and he whirled around, hiding the box behind his back with a fake smile.

Charlie stopped and blinked upon seeing him in the room. "Oh! Good morning, Alastor. I didn't know you were awake. Have you by chance seen a wreath anywhere? Has bells on it?"

"I apologize, my dear, but I'm afraid not! Have you checked the basement?" He asked, hoping to redirect her attention.

Her eyes widened. "No, I haven't!"

He watched her hurry away, waiting a few more moments, before returning to inspecting the box. There was no name written in the section of the tag that said 'From', only his name in neat cursive reading 'To: Alastor' and a little note beneath saying, 'Thank you for being a part of this whacky family and I hope you have a good Christmas'.

He internally frowned at the word 'family', it sounding very strange when used in context to himself. Was this from Charlie? Now that he thought about it, it would make sense since she was the type to include everyone in her fantasy of sunshine and rainbows.

...except that she had enlisted him to help her wrap the gifts she was personally giving just a few days prior, and he didn't remember seeing any for himself.

Then who was it?

Tired of contemplating, he made a last minute decision to pocket the little box, and disappeared from the room. He'd find out one way or another.

Christmas Day

Everyone had gathered for a surprisingly good meal, laughing and chatting away the evening with Angel being a nuisance (no surprise there), Charlie trying to keep Vaggie from sticking a spear at him, and Y/n smiling as she and Nifty decorated several gingerbread cookies.

It wasn't until the opening of presents that Alastor truly began to pay attention to the room. They passed around and exchanged gifts, happily talking and a few awkwardly ignoring or simply not acknowledging that the Radio Demon hadn't gotten anything.

Then, the last one was passed out. A sweater from Nifty to Charlie. Everyone seemed pleasantly content... except Y/n.

Husk seemed to notice and asked gruffly. "Something botherin' you?"

"I... I don't understand." Y/n sputtered after a moment, looking very displeased. "There was one more."

"One more what?"

"Gift..." They said, suddenly seeming deflated and disappointed.

Bingo. Alastor immediately locked his gaze on Y/n and when they caught his questioning glance, a look of guilt crossed their expression. So Y/n was the one to gave him a gift. But why? Seeing them so upset made him somewhat regret having taken the box from under the tree, but of course he wasn't going to say anything. What would that do to his reputation?

After everything was finished and cleaned up, he retreated to his room and, almost hesitantly, pulled apart the wrapping and opened the box.

Inside was a little marble pendant, smooth with little symbols and runes carved into it. It was nice, and he brushed his fingers over the engravings a few moments before taking notice of the note tucked away beneath it. He gingerly placed the pendant back in the box before pulling it out and unfolding it.

Dear Alastor,

I know it's not said often enough, or at all really, but thank you. Even though you can be pretty scary sometimes (okay, all the time), I've never enjoyed someone's company more and you never fail to put a smile on my face. Some people don't realize how valuable just making someone laugh can be, so thank you. I know everyone here is just too passive to acknowledge it, but we're all grateful to have you with us. Wouldn't be the same without you. I hope you have good Christmas.

Alastor read the note maybe ten times over, somewhat stunned, and a slight flush came to his cheeks. He allowed it, given that no one was in the room to see, and was undoubtedly surprised. He wasn't aware that Y/n enjoyed his company so much... enjoyed him. If he was being honest, he wasn't sure exactly how to feel about it.

But eventually, he settled on being pleasantly content. He dropped onto his bed without much grace, holding the marble pendant in one hand and the note in the other.

He proceeded to read it over and over again, till he drifted off into a restful and happy sleep...

Author's Note: Artwork above is not mine. Hope you lovelies enjoyed! 🙂

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