The parents

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Chan and I were currently driving around and looking at all the old place we used to hang out. Like this one place, it was like a huge centre and me and my friends used to play pool there and apparently Chan did to which I find so crazy.

I was so happy. I was indescribably happy. I was with the boy I love, in the country I love, going to see my parents who I love.

We are now on our way to see my parents, I'm a little bit nervous because I've never brought a boy home before. My parents know I'm gay, but I don't know how they'll react when I bring Chan with me. I really hope they like him.

"We're almost there Lix"

Chan seemed to tense up a bit as he said that, I know he's extremely nervous, but I know he'll be okay.

"I can't wait for you to meet my parents. I know they'll love you just as much as I do."

I reach over quickly and kiss chan on the cheek. I see him smile lightly and his body relaxes.

"Thanks lix. I'm just a bit nervous because I might mess up"

I sigh playfully and then laugh. Chan is so perfect he never messes up and even when he thinks he does it isn't even that bad.

"Chan.. you're going to be fine"

The car comes to a stop and I look out the window to see my old house. It looked just the same. I missed it.

"Are you ready?"

I turn to chan and take his hand.

"As long as you don't leave my side"

Chan says and holds my hand a little bit tighter.

"Let's go"

We get out of the car and head to the house, it seemed quite, I hope they're home.

I knock on the door several times. However there was no answer.

I look at chan a little bit worriedly. But I remember the spare key, hopefully it's still there after 12 years. I look under the mat and I see the key. I smile and unlock the door.

"Mum!! I'm hom—"


Suddenly multiple people jump out from all directions and I instantly run into chan's arms clinging onto him like my life depended on it.

"Honey you're finally home- Oh and this must be.."

My mother said sweetly as she makes her way over to me and chan. She still looks the same after 12 years. I run up and hug her and she pinches my cheeked lightly.

"Hello Mrs Lee, my names Chan."

Chan bows to my mum and she laughs lightly.

"No need to bow darling, come in and have some food and mingle. I want to learn everything about my son's boyfriend."

A massive weight feels like it was lifted off my shoulder as my mum guides Chan into the kitchen and introduces him to everyone. I'm overjoyed my mum is excepting of my relationship with chan.

"Hello Felix.."

I turn and I see my dad, stood tall and quite intimidatingly. However I just leap into his arms and give him a strong hug.

"Hey dad. I've missed you"

"I've missed you too."

My dad said sweetly. He looks over my shoulder and then back at me.

Could've been my first  {chanlix} under re-editingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora