Let go

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I was terrified and confused. They wanted me?.

"Yeah Lixxie we want you. You're so cute, I could just play with you all day"

Jeongin squealed loudly. He then instantly wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Let go!"

"Lixxie don't shout at us, we're here to look after you and take you back home"

That's when I remembered the text. The last text Changbin sent me. He was serious..

"No you psychos!"

I shout at all three of them. I was about to sprint to the door. However Hyunjin saw what I was about to do and grabbed my arm.

"I don't think it's very nice to run out on your guests like that Lixxie"

His grip tightened, it was so painful, but I wasn't going to cry or scream. I'm not going to seem weak. Not in front of them.

"Why do you want me!?"

"Lixxie we love you. That's why."

"I still don't understand. You have each other. Why do you need me?!"

"Lixxie you make us complete. Now come with us and we'll treat you right."

Changbin came closer to me, he could obviously see the pain in my eyes. He put he's cold, disgusting hand on my face and stroked my cheek. But I could see by the look in his eye he was remorseful and sorry.

I couldn't move because of Hyunjin's grip on me, but if I could I would.. oh wait.

I swiftly kick Changbin in the balls and he drops to the floor, then I harshly swing around and kick Hyunjin in the groin. Once both were down I bolted it to the door.

"I don't know where you're going Lixxie"

Shit I forgot one. However I still ran to the door. What's Jeongin going to do he's the youngest and the weak—

I was suddenly slammed into the wall.

"I wouldn't try to run away again"

Jeongin!? How did he get so strong? Has he always been this strong? I was struggling to get out of his grip, however it was no use.

"Have you given up?"

Jeongin's menacing voice was horrifying, it sent shivers down my now bruised spine.

"Nice one Jeongin."

Both Changbin and Hyunjin were off the ground but still visibly in pain.

"Lixxie we didn't want to do this but you've left us with no choice."

Suddenly Changbin pulled out a white cloth and put it over my mouth and nose. It smelt funny.

"Now be a good boy Lixxie and go to sleep"

Go to sleep? What does he mean by go to slee—

Everything was black...


We finally had him. I hate that I had to drug him, but we knew he wasn't going to come with us with no fight.

He looked so cute. I'm happy felix will be back in my life and also Hyunjin and Jeongin's.

"He's got some fight in him"

Hyunjin finally broke the silence as he carried felix's limp body on his shoulder.

Could've been my first  {chanlix} under re-editingWhere stories live. Discover now