Chapter 1

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"So why did I have to punch that guy?" My dorm roommate, Dominique, asked looking over at me. We were sitting outside the principal's office after school with the guy Dominique punched name Jordan.

"You didn't have to do anything." I corrected.

"Right. So, let me rephrase myself. Why did I punch that guy?"

"I don't fucking know! You did though." I threw my hands up in exasperation.

Jordan was this school's bully, and because I had a hard time standing up for myself and was an underweight, scrawny weak looking kid with no muscles whatsoever, I was an easy target.

Dominique lightly punched my arm, "eat more and lift."

"Lift what? I can barely lift a gallon of milk above my head!"

"Maybe a loaf of bread." Dominique teased.

I shook my head at the tan boy. He was much taller than me, tan with messy, curly black hair, glasses and cold black eyes. He always smelled like cigarettes.
I didn't mind though, I liked the smell.

"Jordan Carfile." The principal's assistant called.

Jordan, a tidy guy, buff, dark skin and buzzed hair, stood. He walked to the office.

I'm sure when I get home with a note on Friday evening, my mother is going to kill me for "getting into a fight."

I didn't even throw a punch! I didn't even know the kid! I looked down at my hand and fiddled with a ring on my left hand. It was a feminine ring but I didn't care. It was my ex-girlfriend, Ava's.

She gave it to me before we broke up, and the only reason we broke up was because her dad had to move across the continent. We both wore a ring every single day and when we learnt she was moving we traded. Mine wasn't fancy or anything, it was my father's wedding band.

My father was drafted right before I was born. He died in a rebel attack and all they found of him leftover was his hand with his gold wedding band on it. My mom didn't care that I traded it with Ava. She gave it to me for a reason. She thought I'd loose it or something but I had it for five years before Ava and I traded.

A few minutes more and Dominique and I were being called in and Jordan left the office shooting me a glare and mouthing "you're dead" to me. I felt myself tense up a little.

I got scared easily and I cried a lot. Anytime an emotion was too overwhelming I cried. If I was too happy, I cried. Too sad-cried. Too angry, scared, disappointed, annoyed. All of that led to crying.

Dominique and I sat next to each other with the Principal in front of us. She gave me a disappointed look. "Grey... our top student. I feel like you betrayed me in a way getting into a fight."

"But I didn't!" I protested.

"He didn't." Dominique agreed. "Jordan started picking on him and then got a bit too aggressive and wouldn't leave him alone."

"So... Mr. Dari? You punched him?" She asked.

Dominique nodded. No shame in that man, I swear. We were back at school only for about two months and he had already gotten into five fights-six maybe? I didn't know. He had gotten into a lot though.

He ran his fingers through his matted curly hair as the principal spoke. "To make it fair on everyone, I'm going to have to suspend Jordan and send you two home a day early."

We went to this school that was almost like a boarding school, but we were only there Monday through Friday and went home on the weekends.

Most schools were like this. Some were full-on boarding schools and a few they go home everyday.

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