17. Stardust

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I was carelessly flying through space. Surrounded by colorful, distant stars staring at me as if I was their sun. The darkness of infinity, the stage of the universe was right behind them, sheltering this scene from any that could disrupt it. In front of me were two stars that stood out. Both shined brightly, with so much light that the universe itself was drawn in. It all felt like a box that was getting smaller and smaller.
- Wake the fuck up, buddy.
- Wha...
The living room was pitch black. I could barely make out 2.0.'s shape standing next to my couch. And...
- Yeah, you're pretty much paralyzed from the neck down. You learn how to toy around with pills after a while at the mental care facility.
- The hell... are you talking about?
- You don't really need to know that. Also, you can try screaming if you want.
And I did. Though, it's hard to bring out an audible scream with a mostly paralyzed chest. I had difficulty breathing, let alone screaming.
- Oh, and, don't worry. Even if you somehow manage to make noise right now, everyone sleeping is on light sedatives. Mom's at work. That left Rachel and dad. They'll be sleeping deeply. As for you, it depends. Answer a simple question.
- What?
- Well, what' s your phone's password?
- Why?
- Do you honestly think I have to give you a reason in your position?
- Come on, think about all the shit I can do if you don't give it to me. I would've known it if you changed it before I got here, but you did afterwards as a precaution. Here, for example, I'll kill Jess.
- W... wait, aren't you into her?
- Me? Nah. But you are. And I've got most of your memories. I've stopped having crushes long ago. Had other things on my head. I've never even met this Jess.
- What are you fucking talking... about?
- Remember, you're not entitled to answers. Not all stunned like that.
- What are you even... up to?
- I told you that already. I'm taking back what's mine. Now, tell me the password. Or I'll be forced to flash this knife behind me in front of you.
I tried to move. Nothing happened.
- Tick tock, little shit.
- 3...4...1...8...9.......
- Come on, one number to go.
- 6.
- Amazing, it worked. Thanks for the phone. Here's your reward. Your life. Aren't you glad? I have to go get a good night's sleep now. See ya.
With that, he opened the door, left and closed it behind him. And there I was. All alone in the dark. Paralyzed. On the brink of crying. Desperate. Many nasty words could fit my state then. I barely managed to fall asleep. And I hate to say that wasn't the worst night I was going to have.

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