4. Shift

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       My classroom's door never felt heavier. It has a "pull" written on its top side, which even on that day I interpreted as first inevitably pushing and only then pulling. There was also a poster for the upcoming prom around the center, to the left of "Number 2". On it, there was a woman's face, full of different colors, with her eyes closed and a devilish smile, visible through the colorful cover. Three lines of text at the bottom were reserved for the word "PROM", the hour and the location, which was the gym. Were we invited to a party or to paintball?

       Despite me gazing at this, I had to fully open the door at some point, since people inside were starting to pay attention, hoping for someone who can pause their class, maybe keep the teacher occupied.

       As i walked in, the first thing I did was to look at my desk. And, well, there... I was. Same clothes, same face, same body language. He even had my exact backpack right next to him. The world pretty much stopped for a few seconds. If there was anything to be heard, it was subtle "what the fuck"'s. Nobody really knew how to react. What do you even do in a scenario like this? Do you crack a joke? Was I supposed to say something like "I think one is enough for you, I'm going home"?

       The teacher decided to break the silence after the longest minute in my life.

       - Do you have a lost twin or something?

       He, or, should I say, me, opened his mouth, which made feel paralyzingly weird.

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