15 ⇻ a damned grade

36 3 8

a.n. it sucks to have expensive bad habits. also aliexpress is wonderful and i have many a stationery haul videos to go through while "listening" in class tmrw 

There were many things going wrong in my life, personally, emotionally, and magically. With the roommate problem with Dawn, the power vision thing, and my conflicting emotions about the things I knew, nothing could have made it worse.

But then I remembered I was a college student. And it was part one of midterm season.

Results were out and the notification from the school's website immediately had my hands clamming up. Since the email didn't tell us what grade we got, we had to go either online or the app. And, when I went to check it wouldn't really matter since it wouldn't change my grade. So I waited until I finished all my classes for the day, studiously ignoring the growing urge to check it and get the anxiety over with.

Honestly, economics was a lot harder than I expected. Even though I'd taken calculus and statistics in high school, that whole year of being dead really did me in. Which couldn't be blamed on Lucifer, although it did make me wish he left me in the ground instead of struggling above it. All the mathematics involved in studying the economy was killing every single brain cell I had.

When the professor announced that he would be ending class early, everyone in the hall began packing up as he made his last announcements. While I felt bad that everyone was being rude, I was itching to get out and, with a guilty grimace, I started packing up with them. But I tried to do it as quietly as possible--not that that made a difference in a two hundred seat hall.

"Okay, since everyone's itching to get out of here, I'll shut up and let you skit," he joked, the remaining few who weren't packing up laughing politely. "I'll upload the slides tonight. Have a good rest of your day."

I hopped out of the seat, sliding past students up the steps and to the exit, hoping I'd catch the bus in time. In my peripherals, I spotted Dawn walking along the aisle, smiling and talking with a friend of hers. Before she could spot me, I turned back around and sped up, shoving myself out the door a bit rudely and then power walked to the bus stop.

Ever since I discovered that spot in the park, I'd been making an effort to visit it nearly every day. It had become a second home of sorts, somewhere no one else knew about that I could relax and forget about things.

On this particular day, I was going to use it as a spot to scream if my midterm grade wasn't at least a fifty percent.

Was it a low bar? Probably, but like I said, that whole year really did me in. Everything statistics and calculus starting to just blend into one. Thank the powers above that we were allowed to use graphing calculators. That was one skill that I hadn't forgotten.

The bus ride was quick today since it was a little early in the afternoon. No traffic, no fighting for seats, and no one bumping into each other. I spent the twenty minute ride scrolling through Twitter and Snapchat blankly.

Johnny Boy @johnnytest02:

got roped into making a pizza. sos. sos.

Johnny Boy @johnnytest02:

@summervilla hep hep

Summer @summervilla:

replying to @johnnytest02: google, friend. its a wonderful thing

Johnny Boy @johnnytest02:

replying to @summervilla: ur supposed to be my google :(

Summer @summervilla:

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