7 ⇻ a damned chore

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The first week living together seemed to be okay. With everyone. A lot of us didn't see much of each other because of our varying schedules, but the little we did was amicable. The person I talked to most was Dawn, as expected considering I did live four feet away from her.

I learned several things about her:

She was a yoga person. She stretched right after she got out of bed and spent thirty minutes doing yoga before bed.

She always ordered take out. There hadn't been a night this week that our doorbell rung for food that she ordered off of the many delivery apps. In fact, she knew some of the people delivering by name.

She called her boyfriend every night, without fail. But she always took the call downstairs while she ate her food.

Outside of that, I only spoke to her in class or when we were both heading to bed. Sometimes we'd see each other in the mornings, but I always left first. She apparently had classes scheduled only during the afternoons.

Lucifer, Mark, and John all texted me throughout the week. Mark only on Wednesday morning when he came to get me, but when Luke told him that I had apologized and that we were good, went back to informing me about his trysts.

MARK: you know that girl from that party i brought you to?

SUMMER: which girl and which party

MARK: the one from thursday night!

SUMMER: you didn't take me to a party thursday night

MARK: oh... that was probably john then

I shook my head, swiping back over from my messages to Twitter.

Summer @summervilla

someone pls tell @punctuationmark to stop partying–and while they're at it, stop taking their kid brothers with him

Johnny Boy @johnnytest02

replying to @summervilla: i'm there as his babysitter tho. can't have him leaving with strangers, y'know

Summer @summervilla

replying to @johnnytest02: oh, right. guess we've gotta trade off on babysitting shifts

Saturday mornings for me were late days. I got to sleep in, no alarms, no homework to worry about. Those things were left for Sunday night. Or whenever they were due.

You know, cause if it's due tomorrow, you do it tomorrow? Or was that just bad studenting?

A knock sounded at the open bedroom door. I lifted my head as high as I could from my pillow (which wasn't far, to be honest), and smiled at Dawn. "Mona and I cooked us all pancakes. Want some?"

I checked the time on my phone screen, not really surprised to find it was almost noon.

"Yes, please," I said.

She raised her thumbs up and went back down with a "We'll save you a place at the table!"

Sitting up properly, I pushed back my blankets and raised my arms high above me, stretching until I felt my bones crack. Then with a sigh, I slid off my bed, thinking over the things I still needed to do that weren't education related.

"What needs to be done," I whispered as I started to fix my bed.

My bed frame arrived Thursday afternoon. Luckily, I was there so I got to watch over the people building it for me and didn't have to bother anyone else. The white daybed with the three drawers installed under it took about three hours to build and was really cute.

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