5 ⇻ a damned adjustment

57 13 22

tuesday tuesday tuesday!!!

"Are you crying?" I deadpanned, watching Mark swipe his arm under his nose and blink rapidly.

He scoffed, which was broken by a sniffle. "No. Am not. You are."

John and I shared a glance, him shrugging and me shaking my head.

"You do realize I still go to the same school as you. You can visit me anytime, hang out with me on campus, give me rides..."

At that, he barked a laugh. "You don't care about me, you just don't wanna take the bus," he joked, pulling his sleeve over his hand and running it under his eyes.

I grinned, shrugging innocently.

"If anyone should be sad about not seeing Summer, it should be me," John stated wryly.

Mark's hand flew to his mouth as he gasped, eyes widening as he stepped forward and clapped his other hand on John's shoulder. "You're right, dear brother. You're so right." He sniffled, shaking his head. "I've been so inconsiderate."

John cringed, Mark's gaze falling to the floor.

When he looked back up, the corners of his eyes crinkled and his hand fell to reveal a grin. "You're gonna miss your girlfriend so much."

John narrowed his eyes, flicking his right hand up, two fingers standing up.

Mark crumpled to the floor, clutching his head as he cried out, "Ow! John!"

"I told you to stop teasing me, didn't I?"

While the two quabbled, I glanced at the door, worried that Dawn or one of our roommates might have seen that. Not that it would be obvious, but still.

The past year with the brothers had me used to their mystical antics–among other things. Even though I'd gotten the hang of demons and other beings dropping into the house, accommodating to their diets during drop ins, setting up their guest rooms, it was still alarming to find out how many demons lived here. And how many existed near us.

Pretty sure some of my professors were demons, too.

Before Mark could raise his hand, I stepped forward and gripped his wrist. "Don't even dare."

"He started it!"
I shook my head. "You're like freaking children."

After I raised one finger in warning, I turned back to storing folding my clothes.

Half of the room was full of my boxes. Many of them hadn't been emptied yet, but my new furniture was set up so all I needed to do was organize and fill everything. All I was waiting on was my bed frame, which would come in a few days. Mark volunteered to wait up here for when they came, but I had a feeling that he was in it more for Dawn than for the goodness of it all.

John cleared some space on the floor, leaning against my mattress as he pulled out his phone and went back to whatever game he was playing during the trip here. Today his red hair was stuffed under a cap–which means he didn't have time to go through his morning routine.

He was a nut about his hair care routine. The only thing which he and Mark had in common. The boys bonded over the hair aisle in Walgreens.

Mark sat beside him, groaning as he threw his head back.

"I'm hungry. Can we go eat?"

"Then go eat," John said flatly. "The door's opened. No one's keeping you here."

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