Chapter 11: The Piper

Start from the beginning

"Yes, please, I'd like that."

Rubi took his hand and guided him back down the beach, taking him to the shallows. They paddled for a while in the warm surf, Rubi finding shells and giving them to her friend to feel.

"What are the shells for?" he asked.

Rubi realised he had probably never been to the seaside before he was captured and sold.

"Creatures like snails that live in the water use them as houses." she explained. "They come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes two half shells are stuck together at the bottom so they can open and close, like a clam."

"That's pretty awesome."

"Put the open end of this one to your ear." she said, handing him a spiral shaped, cream and bronze striped one. "You can hear the sea inside it."

Indra did and he laughed with joy.

"That's amazing!" he said. "I can hear the waves!"

Together they began to collect the shells and stones he enjoyed the feel of most, taking in the story of each with his fingertips. The children soon caught on and began fishing through the waves to find more for his collection.

Rubi saw Sama dive under a wave and felt an instinctual pang of panic when she did not surface after a few moments. Redundant, she realised, when thinking about a child with literal immortality. After a minute or two, she surfaced, hauling a shell out of the water encrusted in barnacles and housing a vibrant orange crab the size of her head.

"Sama, I think that one's still alive." Rubi pointed out.

"I know!" Sama replied, appreciating her writhing catch. "Can I keep it?"

"I don't think so. Why not give it a name and put it back so it can live in the wild?"

Sama sighed.

"Alright." she surrendered. "I will call it Peach Pinch."

She disappeared under the waves again for a few minutes and returned with another slightly smaller shell, this one without an unwilling occupant. Rubi saw the red eyes of the demon flickered under the water for a split second. She stared back at it, hoping it knew that Sama was safe with her. The demon had silently disappeared into the blue but she still felt its heavy gaze upon her.

"Indra, I found this for you." Sama said, handing him the shell. It was dappled with dusty pink and orange, pale spires growing from it like stalagmites, the inside beautifully smooth and warm white like marble.

"Thank you, Sama." he replied graciously, running his hands over the surfaces. "This is an amazing find! Possibly my favourite."

Sama smiled, very pleased with herself.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk." Rubi said, looking down the coastline. "I want to practice my magic somewhere with some empty space."

"Of course." Indra replied. "We'll be fine here."

"Sama," Rubi called, waving her over. "I need you and the other kids to stay close to Indra. He can't see you, but he can hear you very well. Don't give him any trouble, alright?"

"Yes, Rubi." she said.

"If anything happens-"

"I'll call for Kai." she said immediately. "He always comes when I call him."

Rubi nodded.

"That's right. If you have to run, I need you to take Indra's hand and lead him to safety in the trees where the others are."

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