Chap 24: Knowhere

Start from the beginning

"So this place called Knowhere is in The Andromeda Galaxy?"

Loki nods wordlessly.

"Have you been there before?" I ask curiously.

"Once Thanos sent me there to spy on the Collector."

"Wait, Thanos sent you to spy on who?"

He purses his lips and pinches the bridge of his nose but doesn't reply.

"Okay. I get it, keep me in the dark. I'm just a lousy human so why bother telling me anything!" I exclaim, hoping for some sort of reaction. I sneak a glance at him, but he doesn't acknowledge my outburst; his eyes are fixed ahead as we hurtle through space. I watch him out of the corner of my eye, wanting to poke at him, as his fierce green eyes scan the horizon. I could get lost in those beautiful eyes, I think to myself and I'm about to say something reckless, when Loki stiffens next to me.

He leans back in his seat, "Best put your seat-belt on, we're almost to the jump point."

I do as he says, scolding myself for my momentary lapse of judgement, then ask "What exactly is a jump point?"

"It's essentially a portal; a shortcut from one side of the galaxy to the next."

"I can't wait, that sounds pretty damn cool." I murmur excitedly.

He rolls his eyes, "Although I'm not sure how safe it will be for your fragile human body."

"Yeah I bet worrying about me really keeps you up at night." I tease.

He snorts, looking offended, "Not in the least."

Before I can reply, I'm distracted by the view from the window as a large grid-like portal appears before us. It shimmers and shifts distorting space as if by magic

"Prepare yourself." Loki warns as he slams the thrusters forwards; immediately the engine groans louder and the ship lurches forward. We race to the portal at a heighten speed and zip through it with a rough jolt. I feel a strange sensation as my stomach flips up and down violently until seconds later, we reach the other side of the portal. This side of space is bursting with vivid colors; dark reds, lush purples, glowing oranges, and swirling blues light up the sky in a symphony of color. I don't recognize any the constellations and I gasp in wonderment, my eyes wide. I'm so caught up in the wonder of it all, that I grab Loki's shoulder and give him an enthusiastic shake.

"We're in another mother-fucking galaxy!!" I shout giddily.

Loki regards me with wary eyes, then he laughs; a loud happy sound that relaxes his shoulders. His laughter is so easy and childlike, that I can't help but join in.

"This is so insane." I say after we've both stopped laughing.

"Should be smooth sailing from here in out." Loki says nonchalantly as he unbuckles his seat belt and kicks his feet up.

I swing my chair towards him, "Don't get too comfortable, you've yet to follow through on your promise to continue training me."

He groans, "Indeed. Then let's get it over with. Shall we?"

I grin, "Sweet! What are you going to teach me?"

"Would you like to learn to shapeshift?"

I nod vigorously, "Does a bear shit in the woods?!"

Loki looks completely baffled, so I clarify, "It's just a human expression, it means yes."

He rolls his eyes dramatically, "Well it's quite simple really. All you have to do is concentrate on visualizing what shape you want to take, while harnessing every ounce of magic you can summon and using it to cast a powerful glamour."

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