Chapter 9 - Apologies

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It's been three weeks since the whole accident thing happened in the cafeteria with Jeongin and the younger was still looking at him with guilt ridden eyes, Hyunjin had long forgotten it but the fact that Jeongin kept looking at him like some sad puppy, kept it at the back of his mind.

It's gotten so bad that he finally had had enough, he started to avoid the younger like the freaking plague, just so he wouldn't have to see the same expression every time he looked his way. Did he feel bad? YES, of course he did, he didn't want to tell Jeongin to stop because he didn't want him to feel guiltier, if that was even a thing.

At the moment Jeongin was standing in the circle their group had formed outside in the front of the school because it had just ended and they had nothing else to do but to talk. It's not like they had homes or anything. There they were, listening to Minho and Jisung because like usual, it was something dumb they were talking about.

He could spot Jeongin from where he was standing, kind of looking at him but this look was more of question and perhaps hurt in a way. He decided to actually make eye contact with the other just to see what would happen. He looked towards the other to expect him to look away, kind of like he was embarrassed that he got caught staring but instead what he got was Jeongin looking right back at him.

He quickly looked away thinking that this was all wrong cause he wasn't supposed to be the one looking away, Jeongin was. Hyunjin knee he was being rude by assuming but still. He looked up when he heard Felix mention going home already because he was hungry and saw everyone nodding in agreement, including himself. Turned out, he was hungry too and wanted nothing to do but to go home.

Just as he was about to just turn away and walk off after saying goodbye, like everyone else had done, he heard his name being called by a very familiar voice. He turned around to come face to face with Jeongin. He had to take a step back out of shock because he was surprised with how close the other was, Jeongin seemed to sense it because he was quick to apologize. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just want to talk to you and I don't want you to run away or anything..." ah there the guilt was, Hyunjin could feel it fill him because of how he'd been treating the other.

The fact Jeongin knew he was going to just walk away or maybe perhaps bolt off really set his guilt levels to the peak level. He found himself, like earlier, look away but in shame. He felt so bad he couldn't even look at the other in the eyes. The way the tables have turned was all he could think. "I'm sorry." He finally said after three seconds of silence and looking at the ground because the creamy colored floor was much more interesting at the moment.

"It's okay, I understand. If I was being annoying you can tell me." Jeongin said, Hyunjin felt his heart lurch because he had reached a point of guilt and feeling bad that he really just wanted to grab the other and give him a great big bear hug. All of this was his fault, he didn't think, he just did and now here Jeongin was apologizing for something he doesn't know what for and all he can do is stand there and stare at him like a big buffoon.

"I just want to know what I did exactly... I... I mean you don't have to tell me but... I don't like you... ignoring me... because you're my... friend..." Jeongin said after a few more seconds passed of Hyunjin being weird and just staring blankly at him. After hearing the last word come out of Jeongin's mouth, he finally, finally, decided to reply. It just took a little while to do. He did say he was sorry earlier but it seems that Jeongin didn't hear or acknowledge it.

"Look Jeongin, I should be the one apologizing... I shouldn't have just ignored you for about a week, it was really rude of me to do and I'm a big jerk. You shouldn't apologize, so I'm sorry I treated you the way I did. I should have just told you like a mature person would do instead of choosing to be a child and not and then cause misunderstandings like this one, because you're my friend too Jeongin." He finally met the others eyes after finishing and was met with tear-filled brown eyes. He quickly enveloped him in a hug, it was honestly a surprise to Hyunjin.

"It's okay Hyunjin, I just... I just didn't like that, even if we haven't known each other for long because I would love to get to know you better and get closer. The whole ignoring thing didn't exactly help my case... why, did you ignore me anyway?" Jeongin said as he was hugging him. Hyunjin took a deep breath because he wasn't exactly sure if he should be one hundred percent honest or not but after all this, this big mistake, he decided he needed to be honest.

"I honestly ignored you over childishness, instead of confronting you about you looking at me with a constant guilt in your eye and telling you that it kept what happened before at lunch constantly at the back of my mind and that you didn't have to look at me like that... I just simply ignored you, not wanting to cause more guilt I suppose..." Jeongin was quiet for a second before he pulled away from Hyunjin, causing the other to look down like earlier in embarrassment.

"I... you don't have to be afraid to tell me something... I'm not as fragile as you might think... I'll understand and I won't get upset I promise. Just tell me next time..." Hyunjin looked up and made eye contact and nodded before looking down again.

"So... do you want to come to my house?" He finally asked quietly.

A/N the violin is such a hard instrument... like I don't know why I even bother with it anymore <_< but that besides the point.
So I've been getting like 5 hours of sleep at night but it's not on purpose, I just can't sleep. I just lay there trying and aggghhh I'm just ranting. Anyway, have a nice day/night.

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