Chapter 1 - Shoe

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"MOM HAVE YOU SEEN MY LEFT SHOE?!" Hyunjin yells down the stairs, fully knowing that his mom heard him. He grumbles when he doesn't hear a response, she ignores him as usual. No surprise there. Hyunjin walks back into his room and looks under the bed again for the millionth time this morning and almost bangs his head against the bottom of the bed. Today wasn't going to be his day, fantastic.

"HWANG HYUNJIN, COME DOWN HERE!" He hears his mom yell. He gets up from where he was and slowly, very slowly, makes his way downstairs, was he ready to face his mother? No, not when he knew he was going to get a lecture of how he shouldn't be yelling in the house he got every single morning and how he should remember where he puts his things, keep his room clean, yadda yadda. He shook his head thinking about it as he stepped off of the last step and walked into the kitchen where his mom was cooking.

Acting as sweet and innocent as he could he asked "Yes mother, what can I do for you this fine Monday morning?" He smiled his best smile and awaited her response. He could feel his sudden childness fade away in an instant when he saw his mother's face. Pure annoyance. Ouch.

She shook her head at him, he sighed in defeat, taking a seat in one of the chairs by the table, ready to hear the lecture. "Hyunjin, how many times have I told you not to yell in the house, I mean you do it every morning for crying out loud. I'm pretty sure at this point you're the alarm clock for this whole neighborhood." Hyunjin couldn't help but smile, quickly suppressing it before his mother saw. "And do not get me started on you and your shoes, how does someone lose a shoe every day??" His mother looked beyond concerned.

All he could do was smile sheepishly at her in an attempt to apologize. "Mom, I don't know. It just happens I guess, maybe it's the shoe monsters that live under my bed? Maybe they get hungry in the middle of the night and the only thing available is you know my shoe cause you know... They're shoe monsters? Heh...heh..he..h.." He failed miserably but at least he tried. His mom just rolled her eyes and pointed upstairs "Hyunjin don't make any excuses, you're in your last year of high school for crying out loud, so go up there and look for the shoe or you can just wear non-matching shoes for the day so you won't be late."

Hyunjin nodded solemnly and got up, slowly, at the same pace as before, made his way back up the stairs to his room. He had to find that other pair, cause there was no way he was going to embarrass himself with two different pairs of shoes on his feet. He once again found himself on his knees looking under his bed, and once again hitting his head against it. He was to the point he was going to flip the dang thing over.

Just as he was about to kick the bed he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he quickly cursed at the bed telling it how lucky it was, and pulled the phone out and looked at it. It was just Changbin. He answered the call.

"Yes?" He asked not even hiding the huge amount of annoyance in his voice that wasn't directed at the other boy but at the bed. 

"uh hey? So I was wondering, are you almost at school cause like Felix is freaking out over here cause someone said they hated Twice and you know how he gets..." Hyunjin could feel his eyeballs roll out of their sockets from the intensity of his eyeroll.

 "Yeah, I know. I'll be there in a bit just lemme find my shoes real quick." as he said it he turned in a circle, looking around the room and almost screamed in fury when he saw and finally spotted said shoe. "Hey Changbin, I'll see you at school." He heard a yell on the other side, most likely Felix, and a sigh from Changbin as he answered "yeah just uh.. hurry... Please?" And he hung up.

Hyunjin was going to murder his room if that was possible. He picked up the shoe and yelled "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM THE WHOLE TIME?!?!" He quickly put the shoe he was so angry at on and grabbed his things, making his way downstairs with just enough time to eat a slice of toast... And be scolded by his mother, yet again.

 "Hyunjin we literally just talked about the yelling thing and you literally ignore me and do it again." He once again smiled sheepishly, this time because he didn't want to tell his mom about the stupid thing that happened. She waved him off, this time pointing to the door. "Please, just go to school, I don't want you to be late." Hyunjin nodded and made his way towards the door, still partially angered, at the shoe.

Was he ready to face another day of school? Yes, nothing new is gonna happen anyway, he's just going to have to go to school and deal with Felix with his complaints of people not liking Twice and Changbin and his complaints of Felix, and then he's going to have to see Bangchan and get scolded, just like he did with his mom, about the whole shoe business, there's no doubt Woojin will do the same.

Suddenly Hyunjin didn't want to go to school and it was for one reason only. Minsung, Minho, and Jisung were just too much ever since they came out to the group that they were officially together, even though it took them long enough. Hyunjin was just annoyed with how much they talked about each other, this and that, how they were always all over each other, just thinking about it made Hyunjin cringe but nevertheless he'd go to school and put up with it because they were his friends and he loved them.

He was ready for the day, same and not unusual.

Or so...he thought.

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