Chapter 2 - New Student

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Hyunjin stomped his way to school, like pain was going to help anything. He huffed when he walked into the building, straight to his locker. "I am not ready for this dreaded day..." just as he grumbled his thoughts out loud he felt a hand grasp his shoulder, he shrugged it off as he turned to face the poor victim that would see his annoyance.

Bad idea and he instantly regretted it. He came face to face with Chan, fabulous. 

"Hi..." He said sheepishly, hiding his face in shame. 

"Hyunjin, I'm going to be nice and pretend I didn't see that face and ask if everything's alright. Okay?" Chan said looking at Hyunjin amused. 

Hyunjin looked up directly at the other, "okay."

Chan nodded his head, still not removing his hand from Hyunjins shoulder, and asked, "Is everything alright?"

Hyunjin huffed and shrugged Chan's hand off his shoulder as he turned around to close his locker, "Chan, not to be rude or anything but, DID YOU NOT SEE MY FACE AND HEAR WHAT I SAID???" He asked a bit too loudly considering other students in the hall were looking their way. Chan nodded to them as if to say sorry and put his attention on Hyunjin again. "Yeah, you're right but I guess what I should ask instead is. What's wrong?"

Hyunjin huffed yet again and started walking off to his class he was very late for. "Let's just say, my morning started off terribly, and let's leave it at that shall we?" He didn't wait for a response and walked into his classroom, leaving Chan at the doorway looking at him from behind, walking off to his class in exasperation.

Hyunjin sauntered to his seat right next to Changbin, who looked quite grouchy. Hyunjin gave him the usual disgusted look and asked "What's up with you?" Changbin huffed as if that was the most annoying thing Hyunjin had ever said in his life, which was more annoying. 

"I don't know, maybe I told someone to hurry and come to school so I wouldn't have to deal with a certain someone about a certain girl group."

 Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle, "Was Felix really that much for you, that you can't even say his name?"

All he got in response was a very annoyed huff and an eye-roll because class had finally started. Hyunjin was about to go into his normal routine of "not caring" when suddenly he heard six words that piqued his interest, "Class we have a new student" Hyunjin looked over at Changbin, who was also paying attention for once, they made eye contact and Changbin just shrugged and looked back at the front.

The teacher motioned for someone to enter the room. Hyunjin watched as a shy-looking boy who resembled a fox walked to the center of the front of the class and bowed down to quietly say "Hello, I'm Yang Jeongin, I just transferred here, please take care of me." Hyunjin saw as Jeongin walk by, some girls coo at how shy he was, he just smirked to himself and laid his head on his desk, the opposite direction of Changbin.

To his surprise the new shy boy sat down at the desk adjacent to his and to even more of Hyunjins surprise the shy boy gave him a sheepish smile and wave, to which he returned, minus the wave because he was too lazy and turned his head to the direction of Changbin, resuming his daily routine of not caring in that class.

When the bell rang after fifty billion years, Hyunjin got up and let out a yawn, stretching himself, but quickly panicking because he remembered what he did to Chan. Crap. It didn't help that he had the next class with him at all. Just as he was about to make a run for it, to beat Chan to class so he could avoid hallway conversation, well so he wouldn't bump into Chan and have a hallway conversation, lecture, he felt a small hand on his shoulder.

He wasn't digging the shoulder grabbing, so he turned around and was met with Fox boy's eyes looking back at him. He smiled, careful not to look annoyed, thinking about the morning with Chan, "yes?" He asked as politely as he could do. The boy, Jeongin, smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "uh... I was...uh...wondering if you me to my next class..."

The shyness caused Hyunjin to say yes, it turned out he had the same class as he was going to which made his life a whole lot easier, because when he saw Chan looking at him with the look he was quick to say, "Heeeeyyyyy Chan, have you met the new kid? No? Of course, not pssh, here meet him." And he shoved Jeongin, careful not to be harsh, towards the other male and made a straight beeline to his seat, that felt like it was five thousand miles away.

Once he sat down he looked over to see how the other two males were doing and he was actually glad to see both of them smiling and what seemed like, joking around? He sighed a breath of relief that he didn't even notice he was holding and laid his head down, once again on the desk. He made it to class a bit too soon because it felt like forever before class started and he could still hear Chan and Jeongin laughing.

"Just wait, you will see the true nature and wrath of that Australian boy in nooo time Jeongin." He thought to himself. Class started and it went well because Hyunjin was actually paying attention and enjoying the lesson. Of course, until the teacher brought up the word "homework".

_____ Time skip _____

Hyunjin was freaking out, Jeongin seemed to have every class with him, He was beginning to think that it was getting too much. Now that it was lunchtime the whole gang was sitting together, well almost because minsung were basically on top of each other, they even decided to let Jeongin in because Chan and he were getting along so well, so the Aussie decided to introduce the whole group to the shy boy.

He was thankful, another day of not dying. The group loved Jeongin even if he was barely talking and kept to himself but he and Felix, hit it right off the bat, like Chan and him in class, yet this was a sort of different vibe. Hyunjin couldn't tell what it was but simply shrugged it off, thankful for being alive and that Chan forgot everything that had happened this morning, or so he hoped. 

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