Chapter 6 - The Walk

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All was silent walking with Jeongin and it was starting to freak Hyunjin out because it was dark and for some reason no one was out, it was giving him an eerie vibe that he wasn't digging at all.

"So, when'd you get here exactly?" He decided to break the silence, not able to deal with the creeps anymore. He looked at Jeongin when he heard no answer and saw him no where in sight.

"WHAT THE FUDGE?! Where'd he go?? Wasn't he JUST behind me, I swear he was. I didn't lose him... did I???" He was freaking out and decided there was no point in thinking his thoughts and just said them out loud because no one was here anyway.

He heard shuffling by some bushes and jumped when a very apologetic Jeongin walked up. "Sorry, I fell behind because I saw some fireflies..."

Hyunjin just looked at him for a few seconds, blinking a lot, trying to calm down his heart but having trouble because Jeongin really got him shook.

"I heard you talking about losing me, and you sounded... freaked out? Well... you look freaked out..." Jeongin told him with a small worried smile.

Hyunjin just turned and started walking again ignoring what he'd just said. "Anyway... while you were gone I asked, when'd you get here?"

He heard Jeongin walking in step with him now and it really calmed him down because it wasn't as quiet and creepy anymore with the sound of another set of footsteps. "Well my family and I started moving our stuff over here about a week ago but we didn't actually get settled in until about two days ago." Jeongin said after a minute of silence.

Hyunjin nodded, so that meant that Jeongin is really new to Seoul, "Where'd you move from, you never said this morning..." Hyunjin felt like he was prodding too much but he was really curious and he also didn't want to let the silence sub come again, and admittedly get freaked out.

"Oh sorry about that, I moved from Busan." Jeongin was now looking at him with that, -oops I totally forgot- face. Hyunjin smiled at him as if to say it's okay.

"That's cool, I was born here." He said to the younger boy. Hyunjin noticed that they'd slowed down since they started walking so he gradually sped up, just enough to where Jeongin didn't notice and was just going with it. "Ah that's nice, I would have liked to stay in Busan but things happened."

Now it was Hyunjin's turn to look at Jeongin but with a curious expression not wanting to ask because he was finished prying things out of the other, especially if he didn't want to talk about it and it seemed this was something he didn't want to talk about especially since he was looking down at his feet away from him.

They continued to walk but this time in silence, which once again bothered Hyunjin because... it was SILENT. Hyunjin was going to say something, anything, until he saw that they were really close to Jeongins house. They rounded the corner and BAM there they were.

"Oop here we are! I brought you home safe and sound." Hyunjin told Jeongin triumphantly, with a proud smile on his face. Jeongin looked over and smiled as well, "thank you Hyunjin, I really appreciate it and I enjoyed the small talks we had even if we talked a bit."

Hyunjin felt proud as heck and nodded letting the younger know he felt the same, he waited until the other left and went inside the house. He then turned around to head home but then realized it was dark and like he thought earlier there was no one in sight and it was eerily quiet and he was spooked.

He was going to be honest, he didn't want to go home alone and he really didn't want to go knock on Jeongins door and ask for a ride back so he did the best thing he could think of.

He called Woojin.

"Hello?" He heard the tired and annoyed voice of his mom of a friend.

"So... uh I was wondering if you could get someone to pick me up because it's really creepy out here and I'm not that amazing as everyone thinks and I'm actually scared out here." He said flat out honest.

"Really I- I don't know what to think right now but okay I'll get Chan to pick you up I guess because I'm really busy... you know, studying." Woojin said, and Hyunjin really loved how it seemed that he spat the last word at him.

"Yeah thanks, I'll text Chan the address I'm at, bye." Without caring about whatever Woojin has to say to him and hung up, but realized he wasn't so good with Chan right now... honestly he thought this day was the worst but he didn't want to go home in the dark so might as well deal with this.

He heard his phone ding, he pulled it out already knowing who it was.

8:00 PM

Kangaroo 🦘
So you need a ride?

If you could please.

Kangaroo 🦘
Okay but where you at?

4419 District Rd.

Kangaroo 🦘

Just come please.

Kangaroo 🦘

Hyunjin nodded and out his phone back in his pocket just looking around right after, not knowing what to do, so he just started kicking around a small pebble that he saw, giving him enough entertainment for twenty minutes. Oh he really had to get home or his mom would kill him and that's probably scarier than being in the dark with zombies coming at him.

He heard a car come up and he was going to make a run for it but saw it was Chan through the front window. He got in happily and relieved he wouldn't get killed and have another day to live.

"So, you gonna tell me who's house this is or?" Chan instantly asked as soon as Hyunjin buckled up, Hyunjin rolled his eyes instantly knowing this would happen because Chan's nosy.

"If you must know, it's the new kids house. I took him home because he was lost I suppose and he didn't want to bother you so he saw me and asked for help and I took him and here I am." Hyunjin really didn't feel like talking much, he just wanted to go home and sleep in all reality.

Chan nodded, "that kid is gonna be a good friend, I mean... he's literally been here for a day and he's made all these friends."

Hyunjin turned his head lazily over to the older driving. "And guess who's fault that is, yours...anyway I was meaning to ask you a question now that I think about it."

Chan quirked an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"How are you and him so close after a day but it look forever for us to get close?"

Chan got quiet and didn't answer he just stayed quiet until they finally reached Hyunjins house and it really bothered Hyunjin because he was being ignored. He huffed and said thanks to Chan before slamming the car door shut really annoyed, walking to his house unlocking the door, completely ignoring the food his mom had left him in the fridge and going to his room, changing and going to bed with the annoying nagging in his head that Chan ignored him like that.

Chan and him were not doing so well today it seemed.

A/N 1257 words, so the next chapter will most likely be in Chan's point of view but it'll go back to Jeongin right after.

Grow Up || hyunin **hiatus**On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara