Mischief 2: Order Arises

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Kaylee dehenshined as she is still smiling. Daiki and Tsukasa was shocked when they realized who Kaylee is. Carter looked confused with the nickname that Kaylee has called to Daiki and Tsukasa.

"Kaylee, is that you?" Daiki asked. Kaylee nodded as she smiled brightly.

"How?" Tsukasa asked as Daiki nodded agree with him. "You should be in America."

Kaylee rubs her neck. "It's a long story." Carter kept staring at Tsukasa and couldn't help, but start blushing when he suddenly smiled.

"I'll get it from you later." The male destroyer of worlds said with a smile as he turns his head to the pixie haired girl next to him. "Carter... right?"

Carter froze in her spot almost instantly, "Y-yes, Kadoya Tsukasa-oppa..." Tsukasa looked at Carter and shyly smiled.

'She's kinda cute...' The male rider thought as he turned his attention to Daiki and Kaylee who were laughing amongst themselves. Deciding to join in he said, "We should catch up, maybe the amusement park?" Daiki and Kaylee look at Tsukasa and nod.

"Mhm sure." Daiki replied.

"Why not, but we also should keep an eye out for shocker." Kaylee explained as the three of them started to away, leaving Carter standing there alone.


While the others were enjoying rides, Carter was sitting on the ground holding everybody's stuff.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't think so Order." Tora said as she sat on Carter's shoulder.

"You might've." Fang said with a snicker, his devilish side sliding out a little.

"Fang." Tora grumbled.

"It's the truth." Fang shot back at the tiger fairy with a small huff.

"Remember what happened last time when you say that." Tora said as she glared at Fang.

"It wasn't my fault, Tora. It's just happen." Fang said pointed out some facts.

Carter looked at both fairies. "What are you talking about?" Carter asked as she was confused.

"That story will be told for another day Order." Tora said.

As they were talking, Daiki, Tsukasa, and Kaylee were talking as they were headed toward Carter and the fairies. "Those Shocker still want to take over the world." Kaylee murmured to them. Both boys nodded agree with her. "We better check on Carter. I felt bad leaving her behind with all the stuff."

"Same here." Daiki and Tsukasa said at the same time caused both to glared at each other.

Kaylee laughed at Daiki and Tsukasa as she knew that they still don't like each other. "Stop glaring at each other and accept it that you both agree." Kaylee said as she sees her younger sister.

Carter sees her older sister, Daiki, and Tsukasa walking back. Carter was blushing a little when she sees Tsukasa. Tsukasa walked over to Carter and put his arms around her neck. "I-" Carter was speechless. Tsukasa smirked as he pulled off his camera around her neck.

"Carter? Are you ok?" Daiki asked as he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Y-yeah of course!" Carter snapped as she looked away with a small pout.

"Imouto, are you sure?" Kaylee asked as she smirked knowing that Carter may have a crush on Tsukasa.

"Yes!" Carter squealed as she covers her face.

"Ok." Kaylee said with a shrug.

"So Who is ready to go?" Tsukasa asked.

Before any of them answered to Tsukasa, the explosive was nearby caused them to run toward the explosive to find out who set it off. All of them ran and got to the scene to see different Shocker.

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