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I just wanna say thank you for the 100+ reads!!! as a thank you gift for you guys i updated the chapter earlier than i normally updated! and im gonna change my update schedule tue or fri or sat cause of the loads of homeworks, projects and essays to be finish, once again thanks guys!!ok back to the story enjoy!!!:) 


(Y/n) Pov

"We've arrived your majesties."said the coach while opening the door of the carriage and bowing slightly to us.

I stepped outside the carriage and saw the obelia palace.

I dumbfoundedly stared at the obelia palace but was cut off by my father "damn...that took so long that my butt starting to numb"(F/n) mumbled while stepping outside the carriage.

 I turn to my father and say"Father,maybe if we used our magic to teleport here in the first place, your butt wouldn't numb right now".

Then my father say" If we used our magic in the first place we would be dead by now".

 "How come?" i said confusely to my father while we walk through the pathway to the obelia's main door palace.

"Because there is an invisible barrier that blocked the unknown intruders,but if the unknown intruder gets in with a plan to kill someone in the palace ,they're slowly killing themself unknowingly or alerting the guards or the owner of the palace that there is a intruder, except the royal families or the servants that lived here, but since we're known guest that wouldn't be the problem to us."( i don't know if that's true but its just a hunch)

I squint my eyes at my new father and say" that doesn't explain why we would die if we teleported in the obelia palace from ours, since we're a known guest we wouldn't die if we teleport here right?."

"Right,well at least you'd learn why the obelia palace is the safest place in all of the continent and i preferred to formally come here than using my magic to come here." my father said to me. 

"Fair enough" i said to (F/n) and as we arrive at the main door of the obelia palace i see the three figure at the main door waiting for us. 

As we approach the main door of the obelia palace i slowly realize the three figure my face went to pale when i saw the middle figure between the two figures.

The middle one was known as the emperor of the obelia kingdom .....

While the other two figure was just guards of the emperor then my father smile at the emperor and say"hey claudiuss is been a while hasn't it? 1 year?its great to see you again old friend

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While the other two figure was just guards of the emperor then my father smile at the emperor and say"hey claudiuss is been a while hasn't it? 1 year?its great to see you again old friend ."

'huh? old friend? so that means they're best friends? cause my father just said Claudius right? how did they've become best friends? ughh the book hasn't been fair with me not describing Claude having a friend? not fair' i confusedly thought and a bit upset that the book doesn't revealed that Claude have a friend or a best friend, but still scared at Claude but bravely stand beside my new father.

Claude smile a bit or smirk at my new father but disappears quickly and have a straight face"for the last time king (F/n) my name is claude. i must forgotten that you will arrive today, sorry that i'm not in my proper suit, i see that you have someone with you " Claude said in monotune voice and looks at me with a fierce icy jem stare my hand began to tremble but stop it .

I smiled confidently at Claude and say" my name is (y/n) (m/n) (l/n) sir". I rise my hand and gesture a handshake and Claude just stared at my hand and i internally panic in the inside but in the outside i confidently stand still and gesture a handshake at claude a min later claude suddenly Claude shake my hand.

I dumbfounded look at Claude that still shakes my hand and left my hand and look at my new father and say with a monotune voice" you have a quite a son you have king (F/n) just like you." 

"Hahahah like father like son they said hahahah, enough with the formalities Claude we've already known for years and lets get to the business shall we" my father said to claude my new father turns to me and say" (Y/n), why don't you tour around the palace maybe your memories will suddenly come back, since you always come here with me  and say hi to athanasia for me if you see her while claude and i talk about the meeting."

( remember athanasia is reincarnated in this book she doesn't know your new father in here, but the old athy knows him, cause claude always have your new father by his side because of the court or meeting, your new father knows the old athanasia because of accidentally stumbled upon the emerald palace and meet old athanasia at 4 years old so your new father basically become a father figure to old athanasia until the death of athanasia, the reason why your new father still knows the reincarnated athanasia even tho the reincarnated athanasia doesn't know him or meet him its because of the magic from your new father that prevents him from forgetting athanasia he just know athanasia and not the further or future events that happened to the old athanasia, and the reason why the reincarnated athanasia didn't meet him or didn't know him its because of reincarnated athanasia that keeps moving or planing instead of just staying at her bedroom, and then when athanasia saw claude at 9 years old she still determined to have a father and daughter bonding or getting affection from claude but the book doesn't revealed your new father being a father figure to old athy because it will ruin the story of the lovely princess, the book just revealed your new father at her coranation as a random king so the story will not be ruin.)

" Yes father" i said to my father and then they walk away from me and disappear.

I walk for a bit but suddenly lean in the wall and put my hand in the wall and my other hand in my heart.

'damn...my soul just leave there for a sec when i gesture my hand to claude....'i thought but i straight my body and walk around the palace like a normal person.


I finish walking around the palace and i'm now laying at the garden full of flowers and think about the past events.

So im really am in the lovely princess....with the evidence that claude shakes my hand and slapping myself earlier ok i have to make a plan to prevent athanasia dying like my vision hours ago or earlier.

Ok plan a: make her leave the palace with me with golds of course.

Plan b :befriend her and say everything to her.

Plan c: be mysterious and prevent athanasia from Claude killing her.

Plan d: make athanasia get claude's heart to prevent claude from killing her but still its risky.

maybe i choos-~~GROWLING~~ugh thinking makes me hungry... maybe i choose a plan later after i finish eating something good.

I went to the kitchen of the palace. and i see nobody was in the kitchen 'hmm nobody's in here hehe that wouldn't be a problem to me i could eat all the food in here without someone noticing me heheheh' i evilly thought but suddenly i heard something or someone eating?'   huh?' "NOM NOM NOM' i walk toward the sound then i saw a little girl in the ladder eating something in the basket?.

But then the little girl reaches for something in the cabinet but slip in the ladder.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" the girl shouts but i swiftly save her from falling by catching her in bridal style but fall in the floor with her.

As the girl falls,she shuts her eyes from the incoming floor but confuse when she doesn't feel anything but a soft but tough like a teddy bear but still hurt a little from the fall.

She opens her jem eyes and say."Eh?" when she saw the boy who catches her from falling.
Hohohooo what choices will you choose?:)

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