The answer echoes around the grounds as they agree and move, heading to their assigned duties. The Generals and Captains stay.

"Three battalions arrived before dawn." I tell the remaining officers. "Use them as you see fit."

"They would be fools to try anything at this time." General White looks around the group.

"They don't know what we know." Pridi answers.

"Let's not be too arrogant and keep our heads clear. The most influential people in the kingdom are in the capital, they will not let this opportunity pass."

"Lord Em." Captain Kongtanin greets me arriving. "Two caravans have arrived this morning, with goods for sale."

"Many have arrived for the celebrations." Pridi ask. "What of it?"

"One of them came from the eastern region." He shows me their papers. "It is on your list to be watched."

I read the information they filled for their stay and what they would be selling, the names were indeed interesting. It's the one our watcher had made contact with before he disappeared. As we thought, they wouldn't let this opportunity pass.

I notice the sudden whispering turning to see what was causing the commotion. Everyone running to greet him as he passed, he smiled accepting their greeting as he headed for us. Why in heavens was he here?

"Em, I want a word." He nods as the group bow.

"Kong, shouldn't you be resting?"

"This is important." He looks serious, what now?

"I need you to distract my mother so I can see Arthit."


Namten POV

She held the baby close as they passed the bustling streets, laughter, and celebrations filling the air. Wish lanterns being sold on every corner, after the official ceremony the people would float lanterns, wishing the King and his consort well. She would buy one too.

Jay pointed at entertainers and colorful wares as they passed but she looked for the name, The Spice Shop. Arthit had not written in the last few months and she couldn't help but worry. Her father's caravan was coming this way for business; she decided to come with them.

He was a dear friend, and he had helped her when she thought all lost. She asked, but he never told her how he managed to help bring Jay home. She wanted to see with her own eyes he was well, she wanted to show him the baby.

"It's probably doesn't exist." Her father looked around. "He's probably a simple errand runner, who would hire him as a bookkeeper."

Namten ignored her father, hoping he would go see to his caravan soon. She didn't realise until recently how much he disliked Arthit but it wouldn't change who he was. A good friend, who she missed, and wanted to see.

"We don't even know it was him who helped Jay..."

"It was." Jay interrupted my father. "Namten isn't alone we both wanted to come to see and thank him."

I stop when I see the name, The Spice Shop, this is where Arthit worked. It was large compared to the others in the lane; crowed with customers as we went inside. I waited to a side watching, until I saw the counter where someone was weighing and wrapping the orders.

"No one in a place like this would hire him." My father looks around. "He lied, let's leave..."

"I sent letters here, ones he answered." I tell my father. "Why don't you go check your carven?"

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