Chapter 6: Menstruation Part 2

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I have to deal with this fucking period for seven days. Women get this every month. I feel bad for them.

"Can you give me some stuff to help this period?" I asked.

Emily said "buy your own at any shop. We won't start the period until you are at the store."

Women... so demanding.

I drive to the store and look for the women hygiene shit. That's when I felt liquid coming out.

"They operated the shit already. Great." I also got the cramps. That shit hurts!

I had to buy it quickly. I got these things called pads.

"I have to go now and put these on." I said.

I went to the bathroom and struggled how to put these on. "I think I only need to bring two with me to school. Ow, cramp. Women suck."

I was wrong. I used the first two pads within four hours. I still need more! "Shit, I need to use toilet paper."

How do women do this? Plus cramps? I feel bad for them.

This happened for six more days.

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