Chapter 5: Menstruation Part 1

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I saw a notification the next day that said "Time to Die." I wonder what that was so I called Emily..

"What is Time to Die?" Then I heard words that grossed me times infinity. "It's menstruation."

"Yuck. Isn't that when blood comes out of the vagina?" I asked.

She said "yes now shut the fuck up!"


Just my luck, I get my period during the week. I'm so fucking lucky... not.

I decided to tell Cody "you need to act like my life, so you need to act like you have a period. Come over to my house, it's menstruation time."

The perfect plan. I decided to do a menstruation simulation on Cody, it was the perfect payback.

My best friend decided to help with the blood so he would get a period. We also got a cramp simulation on him since I get cramps on my period.

He said "are you trying to kill me?"

I replied "yes."

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