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The big golden door is slowly opening and the young attendant of the light prevails in the enormous hall that is the ceremony room of her church. She has been here almost every day since she can remember, yet today it looks so much more beautiful. The statues of the goddesses that she served for so many years seem to look a tiny bit happier than they normally look like. 

This is it. She thinks. This is my destiny, now I am sure.

Every step she takes on the blue carpet with little golden details lets her get closer to the altar where she is anticipated. There they are waiting: The other members of the order.

While striding through the hallway, the tiefling girl realizes the gazes of the people sitting on the benches and she feels the urge to say something. 

"Praise Sarenrae and Iomedae on this exceptional day! I hope they bring light upon us!", she shouts, while holding the holy symbol, that is in the middle of her quarterstaff, above her head.

And she sees how the people watching her approve of this action by nodding or praying.

Finally, she arrives in front of the altar. 

Not a second passes by and an older human man starts speaking: "Lumina, of all those that were standing here to take the path you are taking, I am the proudest of you." 

The man lays his hand on her shoulder and smiles, looking right into her yellow shining eyes.

"Your mother... she was an amazing priestess. She always brought you and your sisters here... She was kind and generous, as you are. I believe she would be so proud of you, that you follow her principles.", he says and takes his hand away.

The older man looks to the crowd. 

"You all know what Lady Lumina did for us. She didn't have to, not in her position, not as a noble. But Lady Lumina knew what was right and helped our city, our community, our people where she could. And now... The moment has arisen, where she finally proves herself to be not only part of the church but of the order!", the man speaks loudly and charismatically. 

The crowd starts cheering.

"I am honored, High priest Lavarius.", Lumina responds quietly and respectfully bows to the high priest.

"Well, your first mission... will take you to a village called Keilstadt, where there seem to be some problems with its church. We don't exactly know what the problems are but that's what you are going to find out and report to us.", he takes a deep breath.

"BUT! You will not go alone! Beside the light of our goddesses being by your side, our dear Beatrice requested to join you on your journey.", he says gleefully.

In the moment her name was mentioned, Beatrice steps forward and nods to which Lumina replies with a nod as well.

Lavarius breaks the short silence.

"Now, let's prepare the ceremony!", he shouts to the people cheerfully.

Without any hesitation the young tiefling cleric begins helping preparing.
Everything works out just fine and the ceremony ends with a last song.

The people in the church wish Lumina and Beatrice all individually luck and bless them. 

Now they leave the church and start walking silently to the gate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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