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Hello Gems, humans and so on! I've been thinking about the stories I've really been having trouble updating, so 'isnt It lovely' 'tears hide everything' and 'a fake god' the last one no one has read and that's okay, since this is to say, I'm unpublishing these books until I feel motivated with them again, She could never be ready will still be going on and new Bellow Diamond stories will be published. So yeah, I felt I should tell you guys.

Is there a chance of them coming back?

Yes there is a chance that I will put them back up or they might join history of Bellow diamond Andy slowly die like all things do.

How can we check if they are coming back or not?

If I delete them then I will put,up an announcement so you have the information.

Thank you for listening to my ted talk, hope life's is treating you well and far well.

Tears hide everything (bellow diamond human!AU) REWRITE IN PROCESS!!!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat