Chapter five - alone

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Beth got home. There was no sign of Blanche or Pearl. Beth being Beth didn't think much of it, being left alone was something that became normal. Then something nagged Beth in the back of her head.

"Did I remember my tablets?" Beth ran upstairs. She couldn't have forgotten surely. It was the small detail Beth told no one; she went to therapy for awhile and only after four weeks she was put on a prescription. 

Beth raided through her belongings and at the very bottom were those tablets. Only a sigh of relief could come out her mouth. Quickly Beth took two and swallowed them, she had never had  water with them since she never had a problem. Beth lied down on her bed and looked at her phone; nothing was happening.

After ten minutes of going through pictogram Beth put her phone down and just stared at the ceiling, feeling like something would happen, waiting for her in the mist of the future.

Beth felt tired, she couldn't be bothered to move anymore. What was there to move for? Then her phone rang. It was Marigold. Beth picked it up sliding her thumb across the screen and putting it to her ear.

"Hello?" Asked Beth.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were free tomorrow before the party."

"Yeah, why?"

"Maybe just to meet up before the alcohol gets served."

"Sure, I wasn't planning to drink either way, but yeah."

"Okay. Your new in town aren't you?"

"Congratulations Sherlock."

"Whatever, either way we should meet at the white dock, other side of town."

"Sure." Beth answered.

"Great! Shall I pick you up?"

"If you don't mind." 

"Okay, send me your address and I'll pick you up fourish?"

"That works."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye" Beth put her phone down. It felt like something was on her back, a warning in a way. Beth sighed. What was going to happen?


Hello! It's TheShatteredDiamond here. I'm sorry this chapter was short. Things are going abit quicker than what they were in my other bellow diamond book (if you haven't all ready go check that out) I hope you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next one, bye!

Tears hide everything (bellow diamond human!AU) REWRITE IN PROCESS!!!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें