Chapter eleven- headache

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The morning draw in and Beth woke up with a headache. She rolled over to her side, and she saw on the bedside table a glass of water and two tablets beside it. Then a thought ran through her might as she looked under the covers. Beth sighed, "in someone else's top but underwear is still on."  Beth was relieved as she sat up. "That wasn't smart..." she groaned as she put her head back down. The world was rushing around her. "What the fuck did I do last night?" She asked herself.

"You drank a ton of alcohol, almost collapsed and fell asleep pretty quickly once you were in bed." Marigold answered from the doorway, all that was true except from the last bit, but Marigold wasn't going to mention it.

"Is that the horrid taste in my mouth?" Beth turns to Marigold.

No my dear Beth, that taste is most likely from last night, if I wasn't scared of ruining our friendship, I would tell you that my thighs are fuck up, because of you. Marigold thought to herself. "Maybe. Take the tablets, you're going to need them." Beth nods as she picks them up.

Hi, sorry for the late update and the short chapter but I'm dying at school and art is taking over. But yeah, thank you for the support, I hope you're enjoying the fanfic so far, see ya in the next chapter.

Tears hide everything (bellow diamond human!AU) REWRITE IN PROCESS!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now