Chapter seven - shop

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Marigold and Beth walked out of the cafe. Neither of them spoke until they reached the small shops. As the two passed the shops Beth stopped. Marigold turned her head. "Sorry, I just want to look in here while we're here." Beth said looking into the window. It was a music shop. Some drum sets, bass guitars, keyboards and normal guitars.

"Really? Out of every shop we passed? You want to go in the most expensive one." Marigold asked with a sigh. Beth crossed her arm. "Fine." Beth smiled when Marigold agreed to go in.

Beth went in first and Marigold followed close behind. It was a small passion for Beth to play an instrument. She did it a lot before the passing of her mother. After a while of looking Beth saw what she wanted. A dusted, polished guitar. 

"Oh my stars, it's perfect!" Beth smiled. Marigold hadn't seen Beth smile before, so this only made Marigolds admiration for the new girl only grow.


That price made Beth's heart sink. It was a simple guitar but that was just a bit much and Beth didn't have that money at that moment of time. Beth only sighed as she turned her back to it.

"What's wrong?" Marigold Asked. Beth looked at her.

"I can't get it at the moment." A simple response. Beth started walking and Marigold shrugged to herself before following Beth to the exit.

The two once again went into a cold silence. Beth was a bit cold as her cheeks, nose and fingertips were a light pinkish colour. About five minutes later the two where back at Marigold's car. The doors opened and the girls jumped in quickly. 

Marigold turned on the engine and started driving. It was quiet but the two felt at peace (a//n: Idk okay!) with it. The drive was long, yet neither of them really got bored. Beth looked out at the blurry world.

After awhile they arrived at Beth's. The car stopped and Beth got out. Marigold got out as well. This slightly shocked Beth but she didn't mind. Marigold walked to the door with Beth.

"Hey, this might sound weird, but do you want to stay till the party?" Asked Beth nervously. All Marigold did was smile slightly before saying.

"why not."

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