Chapter 30 Tenseiga's Power

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Thorin, Kagome, and the others ride back down on the battle Rams while Fili and Rin ride A-Un though they are followed closely by Sesshomaru. They arrive to see the remnants of the Orc army being decimated by Inuyasha's Wind Scar. Those that were lucky enough to escape the blast are in full retreat.

Sesshomaru looks around at the devastation. He normally is not moved by such destruction but the Dwarves had fought honorably even though they were outnumbered. As he surveyed the damage he felt Tenseiga pulse. He knew what the sword wished him to do.

Sesshomaru turned to Fili, "Dwarf, tell your uncle to give the order to gather your dead. This Sesshomaru will restore their lives."

"How is that possible, My Lord?"

"Where Tessaiga can destroy a hundred lives, Tenseiga can restore a hundred lives."

"And the Elves?"

Sesshomaru waited for a response from Tenseiga, there was none, "Their fate is to remain in the Underworld."

When Kagome and Thorin finally caught up to the others Fili told him what Sesshomaru had instructed. Thorin gave the order to Dain and his men to gather the dead at least those that were not so badly mutilated. It took several hours but they were all found and laid out in front of Sesshomaru. With a swipe of his blade, Sesshomaru began to bring back the Dwarves a hundred at a time.

When it was over, Thorin and Dain paid their respects to Sesshomaru, he, of course, brushed it off as if it was nothing, "Now, Dwarf, This Sesshomaru wishes to discuss the betrothal of His ward to your nephew."

Thorin bowed, he would only bow to Sesshomaru, "Of course, My Lord, let us retire to Erebor."

It didn't take long for a deal to be reached, Rin would live in their world and would be courted properly in accordance with Dwarvish Laws. When the time came for them to wed Rin would become a princess of Erebor and it's future queen whenever Thorin decided to step down and allow Fili to reign provided that Thorin and Kagome did not produce an heir. Considering that Kagome and Thorin were both now immortal Thorin could reign indefinitely, though he did not think he would. Satisfied with the arrangement, Sesshomaru decided to take his leave. He also decided that A-Un was to stay with Rin as her protector and that of her offspring.

"Miko, This Sesshomaru leaves Rin in your care, teach her the ways of this world and of these people. Do not fail This Sesshomaru."

Kagome bow, "Of course Sesshomaru, I'll take good care of her."


Rin runs up to Sesshomaru, "My Lord, what will you do, will you wander throughout Middle Earth."

"This Sesshomaru knows how to travel between worlds, Rin, He will return to His own world and return in time for your wedding."

Rin brightens and hugs Sesshomaru, "Thank you, My Lord."

Sesshomaru pats her back, "You are welcome. Come, Little Brother, it is time to return to our own world."

"Yeah alright, keep your shirt on," Inuyasha hugs Kagome, "Well, this is it, Kagome, do you think you'll be alright without me? You could always come back with us."

Kagome turns and looks at Thorin and smiles, "No, Inuyasha, this is my home now. I'm right where I was meant to be. And don't worry I'll be fine without you."

Inuyasha hugs Kagome, "You better be."

"Give my love to everyone, will you?"

"Of course," Inuyasha lets go of Kagome and walks up to Thorin, "Make her happy, Thorin, she deserves the best. And if I hear anything different I'll come back and kick your ass."

"I promise, Inuyasha, that I will make Kagome happy for all eternity."

"Feh. Alright, Sesshomaru, let's go."

With that, Inuyasha goes to stand next to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru roughly takes Inuyasha by the arm and turns into a ball of light. The ball gets brighter and brighter until it vanishes but right before it vanishes Jaken makes a desperate jump for it and vanishes as well. Rin sniffles a bit in Fili's arms while he holds her a bit tighter.

"It is alright, Amrâlimê, you will see him again."

"Fili, what does that word mean, you said you would tell me."

"It means Love of Mine," Then Fili kisses her cheek.

Rin smiles and begins to blush, but she returns the kiss.

"Hey, hey, none of that, you are not even properly courting yet," Dwalin says.

Fili blushes, "He's right, I need to ask you properly so Rin would you do me the honor and allow me to court you."

Rin smiles, "It would be my pleasure."

Fili then explains that he need to braid her hair to show that they are formally courting. He then removes one of his own beads from his hair and attaches it to the end of the braid.

"There we are now officially courting," Fili tells her then kisses her hand causing Rin to blush again.

"Well, now that that's settled, I think we should celebrate," Nori says to no one in particular.

"The celebration will have to wait. Lord Sesshomaru was able to bring back the dead but he did not heal the wounded. Rin?"

"Yes, Kagome?"

"How far did Kaede get with your priestess training?"

"I am nowhere near as skilled as you are, Kagome and I am able to heal using traditional methods."

"Good, I think we should assist Oin and tend to the wounded," Kagome tells her.

"In the meantime, the rest of us will see what supplies have survived inside Erebor. Dain, I need you to send word to the Iron Hills to send us as much food and supplies that they can spare," Thorin tells his cousin.

"Aye, Thorin, I'll send a raven right away."

While the Dwarves made plans on how they were going to provide for everyone, Kagome and Rin went to help Oin and the other healers tend to the wounded soldiers. Kagome used the traditional way of healing the soldiers who were not that badly wounded. Those that had more serious injuries she used her spiritual powers to heal. After several hours, she and Rin decided to call it a day and met up with Thorin and Fili. They were taken to the rooms that the Dwarves had cleaned up for them so that they could bathe and rest.

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