Chapter 3 Getting To Know A New World

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After second breakfast Bilbo decided to show Kagome around all of Hobbiton. Kagome was a a little nervous, but Bilbo patted her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry Kagome, We Hobbits are a little wary about strangers. But once the rest of the Hobbits get to know you, you'll be welcomed with open arms!" Bilbo tells her confidently, hoping that it happens that way.

Rumors had already spread through the village that there was something wrong with this girl. "First she was found at the bottom of a well. Then she was wearing the strangest type of clothing I have ever seen. And to top it off, this girl asks what world this is? What world this this is?! What other world is there?" Cackles Lobelia Sackville-Baggins to a young Hobbit woman at the market.

"If that doesn't prove she's off her nut, then nothing will. I just hope she doesn't have some sort of fit and ends up killing poor Bilbo with at bow she was seen with." She says with fake sentiment.

In the distance, Lobelia spots Bilbo escorting the lovely Kagome toward the Market. Lobelia says a hasty goodbye to everyone at the market and retreats to her home.

Kagome was thrilled at the sight of the market. She had never seen a market like this before, well not in person anyway. It reminded her of those movies of medievel times she use to watch back home. Everything was so colorful and lively. She half expected to see a court jester running around. Kagome went from stand to stand to examine all of their goods. Bowing and introducing herself to each Hobbit. They would all give her a curt nod in return. Kagome wasn't fazed, she remembered what Bilbo had said. That they would be wary of her at first. So she would go on her merry way.

Bilbo was glad that Kagome was enjoying herself. Despite what she may have said, he still felt that she may be feeling at least a little bad about being pulled out of her own world so he hoped this little outing helped. Though the people's attitude towards Kagome did not go unnoticed by him.

"Kagome, it's almost time for elevenses how about we go over to the Green Dragon?"

Kagome couldn't believe it was time to eat again but Bilbo said Hobbits enjoy food so she happily agreed, Bilbo escorted her to the little tavern. Once there Bilbo decided that they should sit outside and enjoy a little slice of cake and tea.

"Kagome, wait here I'll get it for you." She was about to protest be he waved it off.

"It's no trouble what so ever." And with that, he took off inside the tavern.

Upon entering Bilbo ran into his cousin Primula and Drogo Baggins. Ah, maybe now he could get some answers. "Good morning cousins, nice weather we're having," Bilbo said.

"Yes, very nice weather," Drogo says, a little uncomfortable, Primula not so much.

"May I sit with you a moment, I left Kagome outside and must return to her. I just need to place our order." Bilbo asked.

Primula motioned for him to sit, "Is that her name? It's a strange name, but still very lovely."

Drogo shifted uncomfortably. Bilbo narrowed his eyes at his cousin. Just then the waitress came over and took Bilbo's order, once she left he direct his gaze back at Drogo. "Alright cousin, what is going on? Why is everyone being so exceptionally rude to Kagome?"

It was Primula that answered, "Lobelia Sackville-Baggins has been spreading rumors that your friend is mad and that she may be dangerous," Primula tells Bilbo with a sigh, Drogo nodding in agreement.

Bilbo was shocked since when do people listen to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins! "That is all nonesense, she was only a little disoriented when we pulled her from the well." He wasn't sure whether kagome wanted anyone to know that she came from a different world, "And as far as hurting me, why Kagome wouldn't hurt a fly unless she had to."

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