Chapter 14 Leaving Rivendell

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The next morning as the sun was rising Thorin and the Company was ready to leave. Thorin had spoken to Gandalf the night before. Gandalf told Thorin to go on without him that he would catch up. Thorin had no other choice but to agree. He needed to get Kagome out of  Rivendell as soon as possible.

Kagome was sitting on her be anxiously waiting for Thorin. She had barely slept a wink and decided to sleep in her traveling clothes so as not to delay their departure. She had just finished braiding her hair when there came a soft knock at her door.

"My love, it is time to get up," Thorin said as he carefully opened the door.

He was not expecting to find Kagome already ready. He came into the room and she was fully dressed. She wore tan trousers and a light blue tunic that brought out her eyes and showed off her curves quite well. Her long, beautiful raven black hair was braided down to her waist. She was a vision of loveliness that stole Thorin's breath away.

She gave him a nervous look. "Do you think they'll come after us?"

Thorin crossed the room, sat down on the bed next to her and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her head. "No, I do not think they will follow us. Gandalf will delay them as long as possible giving us enough of a head start into the mountains. Everything will be fine."

Feeling reassured Kagome gave Thorin a fierce hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Come, love, we must leave," Thorin said taking her hand in his and leading her out the door. But not before she grabbed her yellow backpack, her bow and quiver. After that, they set out into the chilly air of pre-dawn.

By the time the sun had cracked the horizon the Company was well underway. They had already reached the top of the valley.

"Be on your guard we're about to step over the edge to the wild. Balin, you know these paths lead on."

Bilbo turns and looks longingly at Rivendell a strange sense of melancholy falls over him. Like he will never see this beautiful and tranquil place again. Kagome comes and stands next to him.

"I'm going to miss this place too," She says as she puts an arm around his shoulders.

Thorin's eyes narrow at the sight of them together, "Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up."

Thorin turns abruptly and leaves. Kagome carefully leads Bilbo down the path. All of the Dwarves glance at Kagome, Dori gives her a disapproving look. Her brow furrows.

*What's their problem?* She thought.

They traveled for days to get to the Misty Mountains. Over hills and through waterfalls. Down into valleys and scaling smaller mountain tops. Though the going was rough, they never lost their rambunctious demeanor. Nighttime was still filled with stories and smoking and good food. The Company counted heavily on Kagome's hunting skills to supplement their supplies from Rivendell with meat. And she did not disappoint. Only one problem arose and that was bedtime.

Kagome had become accustomed to sleeping near Bilbo or Fili and Kili but now that she wasn't sure what to do. Stay with Bilbo or go to Thorin. Thorin solved that problem real quick. When Kagome was preparing the evening meal she watched as Thorin took Kagome's sleeping bag and laid next to his sleep rolls. Without giving it a second thought. But Kagome turned bright red. Thorin was smoothing out the area next to him to make sure Kagome didn't lie on anything uncomfortable when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked up and saw Kagome watching his every move as she cut the meat to cook over the open fire. He smirked at her and her blush deepened.

Instead of cutting the meat and making a stew Kagome decided that she would finally get these Dwarves to eat vegetables and make Shish Kabob. She cut several chunks of meat and alternated with the vegetables she got from the Elves. First meat than tomato, meat, onion, meat, bell pepper and so on onto a sharpened stick. In the stew pot, she made rice and seasoned both with seasons from her own world. Then she roasted it over the flame. She, of course, made several Shish Kabobs for each member of the Company, for herself and Bilbo.

The air was thick with the smell of roasting meat and the Dwarves were becoming impatient. "How much longer Lass, or else my stomach will digest itself," Dwalin asked.

"Just a little bit longer if you guys will bring me your plates I'll serve you as soon as it's ready."

The Dwarves nearly knocked each other into the fire trying to get Kagome first. When she got all of their plates, check the rice. She began to serve. The first person she served was Thorin, much to his great satisfaction. She came over to him with a large smile and gave him his plate of food.

"I hope you like it, Thorin."

He took the plate from her and gave her one of his rare but brilliant smiles, "My love I'm sure it will be delicious. It smells divine."

She beamed at him and left. She then proceeded to feed everyone else. But to his great disappointment, she went ahead and brought a plate to the Halfling as well. His hatred and jealousy of the little Hobbit grew.

Once they had all eaten and their bellies were full, they went about their business of smoking telling jokes and stories. Kagome took the dishes out to the stream to wash them and Bilbo volunteered to help her. Between the two they got it done in no time flat. When Thorin saw them enter together his eyes widened then they narrowed on the little halfling. He knew Kagome would never betray him but that didn't mean that Bilbo wouldn't try anything. 

*No, all that happened was they went and washed dishes, nothing more,* Thorin thought to himself. Thorin had to convince himself of that or he would go mad with jealousy.

The night had grown late and everyone was retiring for the night Thorin was going to bed early as he had the second watch. Kagome tried to make an excuse not to go to bed but she too had the second watch so she had no other choice. She went into the Forest away from prying eyes and changed into her pajamas. The Dwarves looked at her curiously.

"What, this is what I sleep in." She told them.

Kagome quickly made her way to her sleeping back, got in an zipped it all the way to the top. Thorin showed up a little later and laid down. when he turned to take his One in his arms he was greeted with a funny sight. Kagome wrapped in her sleeping bag with only her eyes coming out of the top. It reminded him of a caterpillar encasing itself in a cocoon A chuckle escaped his lips. Her eyes narrowed.

"What's so funny?"

He chuckled again, "You my love, encased in your little cocoon like that. I find it very cute and endearing. But there is no need for that, nothing is going to happen between us. All I want is for my One to be close to me so I can hold you, keep you warm and protect you. That is all, oh, I maybe nuzzle your neck but nothing more, I swear."

Kagome lowered her sleeping bag and gave him a stern look. "Damn Right nothing is going to happen! I have every intention of getting to my wedding night a virgin."

Thorin gave her a crooked smirk that she loved so much. "Agreed, as long as I get to hold you."

Kagome thought about it for a moment, "Fine you have a deal."

They sealed their agreement with a kiss then settled down for the night. Thorin holding Kagome tightly in his arms, even though she was still in her sleeping bag.

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