Chapter 5 Unexpected Guests, Unexpected Reaction

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The rest of the winter passed without further incident. Kagome continued to visit other villages throughout winter treating coughs and colds and the occasional injury. Though Bilbo would sometimes insist on going with her, it was hardly necessary.

"Bilbo, nothing will happen to me I told you. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

Bilbo only huffed and insisted. "No, no someone should accompany you on these trips and that someone is me. I may not be of any use, but at least I'll keep you company when we're running for our lives." Kagome laughed at the little man and finally agreed.

Finally, the long winter had passed and the good people could get back to one of the things they liked most, gardening. While it was true that Kagome had to plant her herbs to maintain her medical stockpile. She loathed doing so, she would prefer picking the wild herbs and roaming the countryside. Instead, she asked Bilbo if he would be so kind as to include some of her herbs in his garden, he readily agreed.

"It will give me a chance to study them and record them in my book of flowers."

With thanks, Kagome ran to her room and grabbed her bow and arrows.

"Where are you off to?" Bilbo questioned.

"Oh, well remember when the Orcs attacked? I told you that I need to train and start putting up protection charms, well that is what I'm going to do. Start training and continue putting up protection charms."

Bilbo was surprised, "You mean you been putting up protection charms this whole time?"

Kagome winked at him and nodded. "Why do you think nothing else has happened? The minute those Orcs came through an area where there was a charm they were purified. And once I have them all the way around the Shire it will create a barrier against anyone or anything with evil intentions. So come on my dear Bilbo let's get going I'm almost finished."

Kagome hadn't realized how large the Shire actually was, lucky for her and Bilbo they ran into some Rangers from the North. And with some convincing and demonstration, the Rangers agreed to help Kagome finish creating her barrier. By placing the sutras so many miles apart from each other on trees or boulders all throughout the rest of the Shire.

"Oh thank you so much, Captain, you have no idea how much I appreciate this," Kagome said as she beamed at the young captain who blushed under her praise.

"Anything we can do to help keep the Shire and it's people safe, priestess." He gave her a devastating smile in return, "Perhaps you'll give me a demonstration of your skills with that bow one day."

Kagome looked at the bow in her hand and then at the impossibly young Ranger. "Perhaps I will, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

The Ranger blushed again, " *you* can call me Estel, my lady. And I look forward to that day, but for now, we must go," With that Estel and the other Rangers said their farewells and were gone.

Now that, that was settled Kagome and Bilbo returned to Hobbiton and they made it just in time for lunch. So decided to head over to the Green Dragon instead of home. They had a very pleasant lunch then each went their seperate ways.

"I'm going to go do some target practice, want to come, Bilbo?"

With a sigh, Bilbo looked at his watch, "N, I think I'll just go home, smoke my pipe and relax. I'll see you later though and if you want I'll take your pack home for you."

Kagome beamed at Bilbo, "Thank you, Bilbo, hey after you relax for a bit maybe I can show how to defend yourself, you never know when you might need to." Bilbo said he'd think about it.

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