Why are You Afraid of Me?

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I don't even know about this chapter, I wrote it over a month ago while Iwas at work at 10:30. I know Hunter would never do this but I just don't even know... 

Eleanor's POV

"Shh, yes it's me." He whispered. "Hunter put me down, I'm still mad at you." I said trying to wiggle out of his grip which only made him tighten his arms around me. Then I smelled alcohol, "Hunter have you been drinking?" I questioned. "Nope." He slurred. I felt a soft surface beneath me. "Hunter what are you doing?" I asked trying to sit up. "This." He responded crashing his lips to mine. I instantly tasted the alcohol and it was disgusting. "Hunter stop." I said trying to push him off me. "But baby I missed you so much." He whispered reaching for the hem of my shirt. "No Hunter stop, I don't want to do this." I said trying to push him off to no avail. "But I want you." He slurred then pressed his lips to mine again. "Hunter NO!" I yelled then finally pushed him off and slapped him as hard as I could. He fell on the other side of the bed, I got scared that I hurt him but realized that he was only passed out. He had absolutely no right to do that, I don't care if he was drunk. I hate what alcohol does to people. I didn't want to sleep in the same bed as him let alone the same room so I just grabbed some stuff and camped out on the couch with some ice cream and watched tv until I fell asleep. 

Hunter's POV

I woke up with a killer headache, turning over I saw I was the only one in bed. First thing I've got to do is get some tylenol, after that I went to that livingroom and saw Eleanor sleeping on the couch. I rubbed her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Wake up sweetheart." I whispered. She opened her eyes and as soon as she saw me she shot up and scurried over to the other end of the couch. "Stay away from me." She whimpered trembling. "Baby what's wrong, why are you afraid of me?" I asked putting my hand out to touch her cheek but she backed away further. "Hunter you got drunk last night and when you got home you... you...." She said before breaking down into sobs. No. I realized what she was trying to say , "I forced myself on you?" I whispered. She nodded in response and started to cry harder. "I'm so sorry love, I never meant to hurt you. You know that isn't me, that was the alcohol." I said reaching over and putting my hand on her leg, she flinched so I took it away. "I really am so sorry, you know I wouldn't have done anything that made you uncomfortable." I said "BUT YOU DID!" She yelled. "I know baby, I'm sorry I hurt you." I whispered looking down feeling ashamed. "Hunter, I don't trust you right now." She whispered. I looked over to see her broken and scared. "Could you please leave?" She said. "Please don't make me do that sweetheart." I pleaded. "Hunter I need to be alone right now." She said sniffling. "Okay." I said defeated. I leaned over to try to kiss her before she whispered "Hunter, please don't." I got up and walked out the front door listening to her sobs, feeling like absolute crap because I was the one who made my wife cry. 

Eleanor's POV

I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified at what I saw. My eyes were red and puffy, I had bags under my eyes and my cheeks were tear stained. After I washed my face I made some eggs and toast, just as I finished my food the doorbell rang. I answered it to find Melissa standing there. "Hey, I came to see how you were doing" She said smiling. I let her in and told her everything that happened, she said that she would have Andy go find Hunter. I was relieved, even though I was mad at him I still loved and cared for him. We had some girl time making chocolate chip cookies and talked for a while. A little while later the door opened and Hunter slowly walked in. "I'll leave you two alone, call me if you need anything." She said giving me a hug. Once she left Hunter and I were left in an uncomfortable silence. "Hi." Hunter said breaking the silence. "Hi." I responded quietly. "Can I sit?" Hunter asked pointing to the spot on the couch next to me. I nodded and he slowly walked over and sat down. "I'm really really sorry." He said. "It's o..." I said before he cut me off.

Hunter's POV

"No I need to say this and you need to hear it." I said grabbing her hand, looking at her to make sure it was okay. She didn't pull it away so I continued. "I can not even begin to tell you how sorry I am, the rest of my life would not be enough time to apologize. What I did was completley immature and uncalled for.  I still can't believe I did the one thing I promised you I wouldn't do. Please please forgive me, I love you so much." I said looking into her eyes. She took a deep breath, "Okay Hunter, I forgive you. You know that I hate people after they've drank. I hate who they become after, it really scared me." She said looking down. "Hey, I'm sorry. I promise you that will never ever happen again." I said putting my finger under her chin and slowly lifting her head up. I slowly leaned in and gently kissed her. 

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